HI I am looking for best practice to project tracking in smartsheet. I tried doing tracking of a project schedule both in MS PROJECT and Smartsheet but i get different % complete . Also i do not get overall project timelines properly matched. Where could i be going wrong?
Counting tasks that are late
I have a sheet where we record an anticipated complete date. We also record the status (not started, in progress, complete). We want to count the number of tasks that are late (we are past the complete date) and that have a status of either not started or in progress. How can I do that? I've been trying COUNTIFS but I…
Building sheets that talk to each other
Hello, I have two sheets I would like to reference data to and from and I understand how to us the =VLookup option BUT what I cant seem to get it to work. I basically want one sheet that our shipping team updates to automatically update another sheet my purchasing team uses. The columns have dates and check boxes so when…
RYG Ball Automation
Hi there, I am trying to automate the 'Health' column on a sheet. I have it set up to turn RYG when a certain status is selected but I would also like it to turn Red if the Due Date or Due for Review is a past date and the status is still listed as anything but 'Complete." I currently have this formula in place…
Return top 5 entries in a report
Hi I am trying to set a report to only return the top 5 entries in a sheet based on a sort criteria, Does anyone know how this can be achieved? Thanks in advance
Proof Approvals
Hello my fellow Smartsheet friends! Looking for some feedback re: apps/add-on's. We utilize alerts & actions by sending approval requests to our customer, for proofing purposes. Our customers often complain because they cannot manipulate the actual document to show where corrections are needed, or cannot highlight certain…
Resource view, tasks
Hi, I am trying to configure the resource view in the way it's meant to be used. Currently, I am missing the actual tasks and the way that I need to use it is making me crazy, please help. I have attached an image which describes the issue, is there any way to expand the projects so that you can see the task names as well?…
Return Multipe Cells
Hi Smartsheet community, I have the following columns: [Name] (text/number value) [Team] (drop down value) [Budget Milestone] (checkbox) [Program Milestone] (checkbox) [Project Milestone] (checkbox) Now I am unable to run a report because the what in report builder condition is either all 'OR' or all 'AND', not all tasks…
Counting using Countifs if a date is present
I'm trying to create a countifs formula where if it finds a date in a column and is a particular county, it'll count that line. I tried this and don't get an error, but it returns a zero which is not correct. Thank you!! =COUNTIFS({McAdvCareSiteReview Range 2}, (ISDATE(true)), {McAdvCareSiteReview Range 1}, "king")
What happens when you approach Maximum Rows in Smartsheet?
I know there are many advantages to having many small sheets in Smartsheet rather than one large sheet. However, in some cases, it seems easier to manage to track many small, similar projects on the same sheet. Has anyone had experience with sheets that have a number of rows near or over the Smartsheet maximum of 5,000…