Export smart sheet
Hi, I wish to export existing sheet data by last year month wise, i. e. i am using smart sheet since 2017 to till date, i am using smart sheet to maintain data and with getting updated by team, i wish to be have a data month wise which i haven't saved it on my PC and now i wish to see month wise data. please guide me how i…
Active Faces
Hello, I am a new User to Smartsheet however after sharing a sheet with a number of people I am finding that the "Active Faces" icons associated with a shared user accessing the same sheet at the same time are not showing on my screen (next to the "Share" icon). I am also finding that the pop up messages (not the…
if - and formulas auto populating checkbox
I've created a column titled "Outstanding Approvals", I would like the column to auto populate the check box when "Approval Status" is empty AND when "Start Date" has already begun. I'm using it so I can pull multiple sheets into a single report - but not all the sheets have the same layout. Any help is great! thanks in…
Contol Center: Program/Workspace Relationship
Hello All, I am working to better understand the Control Center application to help my department use this tool at our University. Any information you can provide regarding my question below is much appreciated. What is the relationship between programs in the control center and workspaces in smartsheet? Can a program…
Push to someone else's Google calendar
How can I push a task to someone else's Google Calendar?
Message Placeholders
Hi everyone, Does anyone know of issues with setting up "Message Placeholders"?? I followed the steps, refreshed, logged out, then back in but nothing happens. Not sure what Im doing wrong. Ive attached a screenshot.
Adding new workspaces to an existing report
Hi Smartsheet community! I have a workspace that we frequently "save as" for new projects. The format, columns, etc - stay the same for every workspace, every project. Is there a way for my new workspaces to be automatically added to my roll-up report automatically? Please?
Daily Average formula counting too many days...
Hello, I recently had pro desk help set up the following formula and it is counting more days then it should. I would love your help in solving this issue. Thanks Intended formula function: My smartsheet has date entries with totals. In my other sheet that is gathering the grand totals from this sheet, I wanted to come up…
Countif in Progress and late
Dear, I am trying to reference from another sheet (Cloud), tasks that are in progress or not started but late. I tried adapting the below formulas but none is working. Can anyone help me please =COUNTIF({Cloud Range 1}, "In Progress", "Not Started), [Due Date:Due Date], <Today()) =COUNTIFS({Cloud Range 1}, Status:Status,…
HI I am looking for best practice to project tracking in smartsheet. I tried doing tracking of a project schedule both in MS PROJECT and Smartsheet but i get different % complete . Also i do not get overall project timelines properly matched. Where could i be going wrong?