Workspaces Pros & Cons
I have read many posts in regards to how to use Workspaces, but I am having trouble locating a list of pitfalls, and/or situations where Workspaces may not work, compared to our situation. Would you mind sharing your insights and experiences? Due to the nature of the individual projects of "Client A", with time frames from…
Embed a smartsheet iframe into Google site?
This seems like a no-brainer, and maybe it has to do more with google's secret jealousy of SS, but why the f*#k can't I embed a SS iframe into a Google Site that I make for the company? This seems like the first thing any joint venture between google and SS would ensure possible. Can you please help?! :-)
Short Interval Schedule
I am having some troubles making something like this in Smartsheet. It shows manpower throughout a project. Any Ideas how to structure a Smartsheet that would make it easy for the eyes? Gantt chart could be nice but how would i show the change is strength based on time? Thank you.
Why No Release Updates?
If I am not mistaken, Smartsheet had scheduled downtime this past Saturday to implement some improvements. Why is there no information posted to inform us of what those changes are? As the "go to" Smartsheet resource at my company, I should be aware of new functionality--regardless of how big or small. It may be something…
Date Calculation
I have 3 columns. 1 column is the date that the time begins, the 2nd is a factor that is either 1.5, 3 or 5. It is always one of these three numbers. The 3rd column is for the end date that is auto-calculated by taking the date in column 1 and multiplying it be the factor selected in column 2. How do I do that? I am really…
Indent under a lock row
Hello to all, I have a sheet for tracking material order. At the bottom there is a completed section with many parent child relation, see attached file. T0 completed, T1 year, T2 month, T3 project, T4 list of material. The sheet automatically lock every thing that is in T3 and T4. Rows in T0, T1 and T2 stay…
Formulas for using the symbols
Hello - I love the new symbol options for the columns. I'd like to use use the up / down arrows to help me track some $$ to budget info. I have been trying to figure out which formula to use via the templates and I can't sort out how to do it. I know I can use conditional formatting to accomplish something similar, but I'd…
Saving smartsheet in Google Drive
I can't seem to figure out how to save my Smartsheets directly into Google Drive. I have the Smartsheet Google app, and when I'm within Google Drive, it will allow me to create new Smartsheets directly from Google Drive, and then they appear in my Drive and shared folders. However, our team already has several Smartsheets…
Stumped with a simple formula - countif with sheet reference
I feel silly, but I'm stumped. I'm trying to do a countif with a sheet reference. I want to count how many rows in my Lease Tracker 2018 sheet have Agricultural in the Category column, but I keep getting #UNPARSEABLE. What am I doing wrong? =COUNTIF({Lease Tracker 2018 Category}:{Lease Tracker 2018…
Creating Pie Chart with Non-numeric values
Hi, I would like to build a pie chart that reflects some number of red, yellow and/or green status in a bug tracking sheet. Since pie charts seem to require numeric data, I think that I need to craft a formula that will assign value of 1 to all colors (RYG) then count how many there are of each color. This way, when I look…