Can a Smartsheet form submitted auto-populate PDF then triggers DocuSign
Hi, I am trying to deploy a reimbursement system for my office. Once a person submits a form via smartsheet, I need to have a PDF pre-filled with all of the info including the ones that will be linked to other cells. Once the PDF is prefilled, I will need it to go thru DocuSign for signature. Once the user signs I will…
Determining an identifier based on parent/children and an additional factor
I have a sheet where I'm tracking IT initiatives, and some are considered Cross-Platform. Some Cross-Platform records have children and others do not. (See screenshot) Based on some reports I need, I have to identify Cross-Platform initiatives, but do not want to include the child initiatives. I created a column called…
VLOOKUP vs. Reports
I have created a training checklist template that I am planning to copy as new for each new manager we hire (upwards of 100). I am currently using a Report to pull data from these checklists regarding the managers & their training progress, and will need to roll-up this data in a variety of ways for different program…
Day totals for multiple child rows?
Is this a bug? Why can I not get the parent level row to show day totals, for all of it's child rows?
Removing duplicate types in an output report
I have a report that shows the output of staff within a department. It shows all the publications and events they are working on. I am looking to build the report so that it does not show duplicates of the same type of output by the same person. For example, Staff member A is running 10 roadshow events throughout the year.…
Conditional formatting with heirarchy and card view
Hey All, I'm having difficulty getting my card view tabs to show a certain color based on percentage complete for the subtask. When I create the rule it either highlights all the subtasks based on the parent percentage complete, or does nothing at all. I am trying to have individual subtasks change color base on…
Conditional formatting and uniquely identifying cells
Hi, I would like to only apply conditional formatting to cells that are percentages. My rules currently set any cells that are over 100% as red, and 100% or less as green. Due to the red rule formatting any cell over 1.01 a lot of my data is showing as red, wheras this really needs to be white, there is no cause to flag…
Why doesn't my mouse wheel work within a sheet?
Scrolling through a big sheet with the wheel on my mouse would be great. The scroll wheel works in every other thing I do - including parts of Smartsheet- just doesn't work within a sheet. I've changed settings on my mouse but still does not allow me to scroll within a sheet- forces me to grab the slider on the side or…
Is there a way to define "today's" health, based on today's date and corresponding "% completion" va
Hey everyone, I've got a set of data pulling in completion % by date, and want to give my team a quick snapshot of overall health of the project based on completion % for TODAY(). I have used the following formula, which works for giving RYG per day: =IF(AND(Date9 = TODAY(), Difference9 < 0.05), "Green", IF(AND(Date9 =…
Countifs formula error
within the same report as my list of projects I'm trying to return a count of projects that are due to start within the current week (day 0 - 7) from "today" then return a count of project for next week from (day 8 - 13) then week 3 (day 14 - 20). here's the formula I came up with but it's not working.…