one task through multiple calendars
I'll try to explain what I'd like to accomplish. My task name has sub-tasks for example "custom","boxcut", "assemble","finish" that populate calendars. On the calendars they show all of the "custom tasks" for all main jobs. How would I setup a calendar to show all the sub-tasks for just the selected task. Such as the…
Expand All after applying filter doesn't work
We have a sheet that has a primary column of parent categories with about 20 child tasks under each. The problem we are experiencing is when we filter by another column, the parent / primary column won't expand to show ALL of the child tasks. Below is an example of Program Name (primary column) expanded. I want to FILTER…
Inconsistent Updates in Smartsheet
It appears that I am receiving inconsistent updates to Smartsheets. Changes are made and saved, but I don't see them, when I changed the permissions of the user making the change from edit - can share to admin the changes populated within the sheet.
Ruler - alignment tool
We are only 6 months into our Smartsheet journey and thus often tinkering and creating new reports, it would be really handy to have a ruler at the top in order to align fields/columns in reports. I have marked where a ruler could sit with highlighter yellow below. Does anyone else recognise the need or have an alternative…
One Time Links for Update Requests
Is there a way around the ONE TIME Link, WE NEED THE UPDATE REQUEST LINK to stay active and allow more than one entry. This will allow the user to add notes / comments as they try to achieve the update and obtain the information
Formula - adding two columns based on a condition
I think I'm close but this is driving me crazy. I have an event code column and two other columns where I am collecting participation data on Saturday and Sunday. I would like to know the total participation for the weekend. The formula for just Saturday or just Sunday works =SUMIF([Event Code]:[Event Code], "CL021718A",…
Remove Cell Linkage
I had previously created a sheet that inputted data via cell linking. However, the use of that sheet is no longer needed so I deleted it. The problem is that the sheet that was 'pushing' the data still shows the outgoing cell link. How can I remove the cell linking?
Invalid Alert/Notification
I am receiving notices of invalid notifications within various Smartsheets. When I log in, all of my rules for alerts are there, but the email recipients have been removed. I am the workspace and sheet owner; however, when I had a co-worker review the alerts within the same sheet the email address are there and no invalid…
Feb 12, 2018 Skipped
All of my tasks are skipping over and not including this date (yesterday) in their calculations. I do not have this set as a holiday in the main settings. Is there a holiday/day off setting for the specific sheet?
Dashboard widgets - Charts
I just want to tell everyone that with the additions of the chart widget, I am really loving our dashboards. I do wish the legends were editable and the selections didn't have to be side by side. I got around this by creating a second sheet and linking cells to the needed data. I could then create the labels I need and use…