IF Function Due Date
I am attempting to create a project status column that is using the Harvey Balls (red, yellow, green and gray). I am wanting these to automatically change yellow when my due date column is 120 days with the due date, I would like it remain yellow until a date is entered in the completed column, then I would like it to…
Invalid Data Type error
Getting an Invalid Data Type error with this formula: =COUNTIF(AND(FacilityCount:FacilityCount, "TZ"),NOT(COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Green"))) The second "CountIf" is a symbols column. Looking to make a count of certain 2-letter codes if the status column does not have a "Green" ball. Thanks
Nested IF function - Ignore Blank Cells
I'm trying to count the number of late tasks in a project plan. The formula I'm using works as long as a row isn't blank. =IF(AND(TODAY() > Finish15, [% Complete]15 < 1), 1, ""). If I drag the formula all the way down the sheet, then the Late Tasks column populates with a 1. How do I write the formula to not include blank…
Determining Resource Allocation for Resource View
Hello! I am trying to find a way to determine resource allocation in project plans so that they more accurately reflect the availability of my team in the resource view. We have individual project plans for each project, which all feed into the main status sheet. Each project plan is broken down into tasks with…
Checkbox Formula
Hi there, I have created a document designed to check off whether or not we have received scores back from our partners using a column of check boxes. I need to input a formula that counts the boxes that have been checked off versus the total number of check boxes (ex. Scores Received: 4 out of 20) Can someone provide a…
Can a web form user make an update without sheet access?
We have the following request. A department has a sheet to track requests from different people/departments. The sheet has request need, type of request, requester name, due date, and many other fields. Submitters use a web form to submit the request. After submitted, they may need to change or update information. So they…
Formula is changing after a date sort
Once my data is in the appropriate cells I want to perform a sort by Due Date. When I do this the formula =SUMIF($Equipment5:$Equipment171, "VUTEK", $Tue5:$Tue171) Changes to =SUMIF($Equipment16:$Equipment171, "VUTEK", $Tue16:$Tue171) Thus not including any data from rows 4 thru 15. I have locked the row with the formulas…
Defining a range using a variable as the row #
Hi, Newbie question here. Let's say we have a simple SUM formula: =SUM([Column1]15:[Column4]15) Is there a way to specify the row # using a variable or some kind of reference to a number value in a cell? For example, rather than "15", something like =SUM([Column1]Row:[Column4]Row) where "Row" could be sourced from the…
Multiple SUMIF within a single cell?
Hello, I'm trying to build a template which would allow vendors to log hours against a project and automatically calculate a cost for each task. This calculation looks at the name of the individual reporting hours along with the listing of approved hours for the task then multiplies it against that individual's hourly rate…
JIRA import duration problem
I'm using the JIRA connector for Smartsheet. I'm attempting to use our "original time estimate" field from JIRA for the "duration" column in Smartsheet. It looks like JIRA sends the time estimate information in minutes, but Smartsheet is treating it as days. So, a task that was given a time estimate of 16 hours in JIRA…