Calendar vs Fiscal Year/Quarters settings
Hello, I was wondering if there's a way to update the calendar/gantt settings to use quarters based off of our fiscal year. Is that an option? Example - Q1 would be November-January Thanks, -PJ
Project Revenue Review Formula
PM Solutions
It's going on 14 days and I still have no idea how to access the Solutions PM templates discussed in this webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGdbyfiYFZo Customer Support has been no help what so ever. Can anyone provide LINKS to the templates, because Othello Barbosa e Silva | Smartsheet Sales Development…
Link to a cell in the comments
Hi, Is it possible to paste a cell link in a comment of another sheet? I have a sheet in which certain rows refer back to other rows in other sheets. I want to be able to paste that cell link in the comments for quick access. Y
Current work filter for tasks not Complete and Due in the next 2 days or the past
I am trying to build a filter that will be utilized to Identify Current and Past due work. I can get the filter to find all not Completed or Canceled work in the Past or the Next # of days. I cannot get it to find all taskx from 2 days in the future and older. Is there a way to add a formula when using is less than or…
Screen Snipping Tool
Is there any way to screen snip and have the snapshot saved as an attachment? The only way currently appears to be screen snipping and save into word and then attach or save as image and then attach that
Working Days - Length of Day
Hi Team I have an employee who works 8hr days Mon to Thurs. 4hrs on Fridays. IS there a way in Project Settings Working Days to change the hours for a given day Thanks in advance
Formula for recurring meetings
Hi, I'm currently working on a smartsheets for a project that has a number of deliverables. As part of the process for each one, they need to be reviewed in a meeting - there are meetings already set-up with the client every Wednesday and Friday which is when they will all be reviewed. Is there a way for me to create a…
Status of Child rows
Hi I am trying to create a Project Schedule with Budget and Variance and include an overall status using the status of the child rows. I have 1 line that is the overall project and then 4 phase lines, with around 20 tasks underneath each phase line. I want the phase lines to give an overall status of the child task rows…
Update requests
Hi everyone, I have built a sheet in smartsheet to track supplier performance. When there is an issue with their performance, I am wanting to send the supplier a update request in order for them to provide corrective action for problems and it to be written directly into the sheet. This works great but to provide context…