what is the best way to Integrate smartsheet into an Order based Manufacturing company ?
So i have been tasked with learning the In's and Out's of smartsheet and to find the best way to utilize all of its tools for our company. we currently do the majority of our work through GP which as an accounting program is great but doesnt have the best project managment capabilities. my Question is what would be the…
Why switch from MS Project to Smartsheet Project?
I'm new to Smartsheet and am considering in switching from MS Project to Smartsheet but there seem to be limitations: 1) Progress Lines - either I can't find it or there's no on/off for progress lines. it's quite messy when you have 1000s of entries. 2) Views - can't customize views based on users and audiences 3) Duration…
Work Hour Based Resource Planning
Hi; I'm working on resource planning for our projects right now and wonder if there is a way of planning based on working hours or based on periods of 1/4 days (not only based on work days)? Or if not; do you have plans for implementing such functionality?
Single day project duration
Can't see a way to do this yet... I want to create a project that lasts 24 hours. Individual tasks and to-dos need to be visible on the Gantt sheet in 5 minute blocks. At present I can't seem to zoom in any finer than one complete day. Is there a built in functionality here that can accomplish this?
Change the value of a cell from the formula results of another cell
I have a RYGG, Status and % Complete columns. The RYGG has a nested IF statement that takes its values from the Status cell. I manually enter data in the Status (In Progress, At Risk, ..., Complete) and the % Complete column (10%, 25%, 37%, etc.) I would like to know if there is a way that if I enter 100% in the % Complete…
Bulk Document Attahcment
Does anyone know of a way to attached documents to a Smartsheet programatically? I have files that are named with a tag that is also unique to a specific row in my sheet (thousands, so manual attachment is out of the question). I would like to be able to periodically attach documents based on this tag as my sheet grows and…
Date/time and year
Im trying to put together a simple Gannt chart for a project in the UK. How can i make a change to the date so it reads day first, then month, then year?
Release Notes for July 11th Upgrade
Hi Smartsheeters - In case you didn't see the link to the release notes @ the tail end of the blog post announcing the latest feature release, you can find the comprehensive list here: https://www.smartsheet.com/release-notes Going forward, we will be publishing detailed notes with each major release (as opposed to just…
My Smartsheet Contacts vs Group Management
In using the Assigned To column, I found that several Contacts did not have their First and Last name fields populated. So, I went into My Smartsheet Contacts and updated all of my Contact items so that all have their First and Last name fields set. I then saved the sheet, closed it, reopened it and went back to the…
Resource mgmt - Allocating less (or more) than 8 hours a day for a resource
All. My team spends 15% of their time in other activities like meetings, career development, system support, etc. I would like to use Smartsheet resource mgmt functionality but only allocating approx 6 hours a day for my resources. How can I do that? Thanks