Tracking the number of project work dates of multiple projects on one calendar
Hi, I am a new user of Smartsheet. I work for a Conservation Corps, where our contracts indicate total number of work days, and the actual work dates vary and move around based on our daily staffing and the sponsor's needs. It only matters that our projects are completed by the end of the fiscal year. I need to track total…
Copying excel worksheet cells to smart sheet gant chart cells
Hi, I have been asked to put my existing excel spreadsheet gant planning chart into smartsheet gant chart. Not happy as I am a total novice on smartsheet - but it is failry intuitive even for an old boy like me. I have figured out 'zooming' - it's not there.- not happy about that. So I am trying to copy a cell or set of…
automated communication surrounding web forms
I'm building a fairly complex job-request web form to feed a grid that tracks marketing-creative requests for our designers and web developers, and I have a question: I'm gathering two kinds of data: one kind that is concise and drops easily into my tracking grid, and another kind that is much more descriptive and longer.…
Cost Data Not Exporting to Microsoft Project
I am a hardware engineer. My project engineer starts by handing me a Microsoft Project file so I can fill in the details of how long each task is going to take and how much cost will the labor and materials will be. I prefer importing the project file into Smartsheet so I can easily arrange the trench work and subsequently…
I love using Smartsheet, I am still learning how to set up my project management sheet
I wish I knew how to set up alerts specific to certain people. I also, would like to learn more about restricted access to what customers can see vs. clients or vendors (etc). I am still confused about how to use the Gannt chart in our industry.
2 days task do not create 2 days calendar events in google cal
I have a task in SS on a Gantt chart sheet, Start date 21/08/2015 and 2d duration. When I export this sheet to a google Cal the corresponding event in a 1 day event with the following Description: NOTE: This event was published from the Smartsheet named "HL Callendar". Changes you make in Google Calendar will not be…
Is there a planned development / release date for % of resource to impact scheduling?
I.e. an effort based as opposed to duration based scheduling? At this point, I feel like I am doing all the scheduling work, and Smartsheet is only providing some reporting features. Standard PM methods would be assigning a resource to a project on a percentage basis (common in real world) and let the tool determine…
Project light status, Entire Row format & due date
Hi: what would be the formula for the following: project light status | Start Date | Proposed finish date | Finish date | Complete G 1/1/2015 2/10/2015 2/10/2015 complete R 15/1/2015 2/10/2015 3/15/2015 overdue/ At risk in both cases, Start date is pedecessaor to Proposed finish date and Finish date. So when we have a…
User Management and Contact List type
Good morning, If I am understanding this correctly, the User Management is what the Contact List type draws from to populate names. Is there a way to create different groups within the User Management area? For instance, I'd like to have two separate lists so that I can have two different Contact List types in my sheet.…
Formula's for [Start Date] column when dependencies are enabled
Hi, I am currently trying out Smartsheet in order to decide if we will be able to use this at our company or not. I'm using the construction timeline with gant chart template. I would like to add project management fee payment dates as milestones. Payment #1 linked to start of the project -> OK, no problem Payment #3…