Create time card from project schedules
Is there a template out ther somewhere to take all projects shared to an individual and create a weekly report (timecard) showing the number of hours that indiviual is scheduled to work on each project? It seems like most of this is available in Resource manager but I'd like to have it report hours versus % allocation.
Overview page
Is there one comprehensive overview page that let's you view one Gantt chart or one traffic page for all players in all projects? For instance, this kind of overview page would be extremely helpful to agency-wide traffic or project managers to view who had availability and when.
Calculations in a report
I'm trying to create a report where i only see records with End Date = this week. (so not 'the coming 7 days' or something, only this week#) I have column 'Week# that shows the week# of the field 'End Date' in my sheet =ROUND((([End Date]1 - DATE(2015, 1, 1)) / 7) + 0.49, 0) in my report I defined in the 'What' part:…
How to send a notification to a selected recipient
How do I get SS to send a notification to a contact whose name has just been selected from the list and entered in a webform? Like, when column [supervisor] is set with a particular name, please notify [selected supervisor] of this change.
Counting in summary reports
Hi All, I'm interested if anyone has found a good way to use sheets or reports to count fields meeting a given criteria from another sheet. In my particular case I have one sheet that lists (and links to) project sheets. I would like to have another sheet/report that counts how many projects are green/have a particular…
Improvement Recommendation
I have been working on 10 different sheets tonight, I am not done but I am off to bed. It would be nice to be able to set a reminder for sheets that I am working on, or more specificaly an update from the Dashboard for resent sheets. It woudl be nice to have an email sitting in my inbox reminding me that I need to finish…
Using Resource Views
Does anyone know if it's possible to use the resource views for people or resources which don't have a SmartSheet account? We have a number of different developers who don't need to access SS themselves, so don't need an account, but we do need to track their usage across different projects and see any over-allocations.…
Best Practice for Backing Up
My project management team joined Smartsheet about 6 months ago and have created quite the plethora of sheets. All of them are in use as we are managing a very large project, so I do not want to delete any (and as we have so many paid users, we are far from our sheet limit) and they are all dynamic/active sheets. However,…
Symbols suggestion...
Okay - so mostly in jest, but a few of us would love a "Whack-a-mole" type icon to put on the rows of a few who are forgetting to get their project updated. Just wanted to toss that out there for others who might have the same problems - wer'e in this together, folks!! SOLIDARITY FOR SMARTSHEET!!!
Impact analysis/Traceability?
I'm wondering how one would address this for managing changes to projects? For instance, in tools I've used in the past, I can answer the question "for the tasks/requirements that are at risk/due soon what would be impacted if it weren't completed?" and or "If I change this item, what is the ripple effect to my other…