How do I sort by due date in a report?
Is there a way that once I have grouped in the primary data in a report I could sort by due date in that report? I have grouped the primary column and then summarized the start and due dates, but would then like to sort by the due date so the "Project-Interviewee#" and "Interview Name" is sorted in descending order by the…
Build Report that shows "Child" lines items under the "Parent
I am trying to build a report from a sheet that has a parent line item with child line items. I need the report to show the parent and the child. Then have the ability to group by the parent. When the parent is expanded it shows the children. My report currently looks like this...all the indented child line items are no…
Report Builder: Gannt Chart Predecessors Not Working
I'm trying to run a single report of my 5 project schedules so I can quickly see aligning milestones and deliverables. However, when I run the report, all of the predecessors become unconnected and the columns report 1 predecessor. This is kind of a big deal for my reporting. Anybody have a fix for this? Thank you!
Lock report filters, while cells can still be edited
Hello, I currently have a dashboard with multiple reports pulling from the same grid of data, but each filtered a specific way. Is there a way to keep each of these reports editable, while locking the filters from editors? Thank you.
Report Edits and Workflows in Main Sheet (Workflow not working)
My team makes edits to a report instead of the Smartsheet that houses my large database. I am finding that information goes bi-directional between my report and my database but the workflows in my database are not copying rows to other sheets I share out. I tested my database workflows by changing data in the main sheet…
When will report card views be editable on dashboards and workapps
The sheet card view functionality works so beautifully on dashboards and workapps 😍 (image attached of sheet setting options on workapps). Will this be available soonish for card views on reports? Currently, the only editable report option is grid view on workapps. The workaround I'm implementing is to add the card view…
Summary across sheets
I have two work plans with folks assigned to tasks and want to be able to see how many tasks on each sheet the person has assigned to them. For example (not in terms of formatting) Person A: Sheet X=# | Sheet Y =# Person B: Sheet X=# | Sheet Y =# I have a report grouped by person that has both sheets feeding into it but…
sheet summary report not counting multiple different responses given in one cell
Hi all, I have a summary sheet report with fields drawing responses from surveys collected. The surveyed people were able to tick several possible answers in the surveys. These multiple responses appear in one cell, e.g. "how did you find the event?" and the answers are "fun, educational, accessible". I would like the…
Health Status on Report
Hi All, I've been building my files and reports. I've gotten my RGY formulas down, however, how in the world do I get it to give me a RGY health summary as it does for the other columns? I have a report that pulls in each rep as I have it below, just missing that one piece! Am I missing a step?
Creating an automated report
Hi, It's me again. Today I would like to ask if it is possible for reports to automatically select items that meet all the requirements of a set criteria. What I would like to do is make it so that when a task is completed and the box is check, that that task is added to the report and displayed on a dashboard. Is this…