Using "@row" reference with ";" as the separator
Hi the community! I am using Smartsheet with French settings, meaning : * the decimal separator (for numeric values) is "," * the separator in formulas is ";" When I use the "@row" reference in a formula, then extend this formula and come back to it, the formula separator becomes ",". So if I modify the formula without…
Calendar Legends or Headings
Is it possible to add a Heading or Legend to a Calendar?
Linking Data
I need help linking data from one sheet to another. I need the data to update real time, so that should a salesman update a projects, or ad another project in that satisfies certain requirements, the data automatically updates in real time on the linked page for my operations team. Reports will not work for this.Reports…
I want to center the column titles and color them. I like to remove the grid lines from it as well.
Rollup child rows for a particular parent row from multiple sheets
Hi, I have many Country sheets (Singapore, Japan etc.,). In each country sheet, there are multiple sectors (Media, Financial Services, Technology etc.,). These sectors as setup as parent rows and there will be child rows for each of these sectors. The child rows are not fixed in number but the parent rows are. I would like…
Reports consistency : include new sheets automatically
Hi I plan to have regular sheets created in a workspace(same structure) over the year. I want to use a report to consolidate all of these sheets in one place.I've put my sheets so far in a dedicated folder in this workspace. In the report builder, i pointed to this folder so i was hoping that any new sheet in this folder…
Report builder
Can i supply an input parm to run the report against a column and just extract the row/s that match the value in my input parm?
Best way to report a top of funnel of requests metric
Hello, We are using Smartsheet as an intake form of new projects. What I need to do is do a COUNT of all the projects that came in for this week and also by product type, and region request. However, the only way I can think of doing this is to pull a report that looks at the created date and 7 days back, but I know you…
Conditional: If one child is closed or past due for approval, entire hierarchy/project is closed
I have an approval request setup in my sheet, and an age column where I am tracking the number of days since the approval request was sent out. I need a method to mark the whole project tree "Closed" if any of the children's requests for approval's "age" is over (2) days
How to create Report/Chart/Sheet for overview of many?
We have a Sheet for every project. Every Sheet is basically a checklist. The checklists are similar but wording and order of the tasks are different. I want to create something that will bring in just the "Completed" checkbox and the Primary Column of each Sheet/checklist so that the overall status can be easily seen. How…