Enhancement Request: Report Criteria What? on Dropdown column like Text/Number
When I have a Dropdown column for the What? criteria of a Report, my only option is some version of the "is one of" criteria. What I want is to be able to build the criteria like a Text/Number column, for example using "contains" Use Case: I have a drop down list like this: Building 1 Building 2 Building 3 Building 4…
Calculate health of a smartsheet project.
I have created a smartsheet from a project management template. Start and Finish Dates, Durations, predecessor, % complete, are all working well. I can easily calculate the health of completed tasks by allowing a project manager to change the % complete and look at over all weighted averages of those complete tasks. That…
Building Reports for Widgets
In a report, I want to change the column name "sheet name" to "Project" but when I double click on the column the rename option is not available.
Automated Call/Text Linked to Smartsheet
I'm wanting to link a Smartsheet/report to an automated calling/texting service like Call Multiplier or Dial My Calls. Similar to how a dentist or eye center may have an automated call when you're up for your appointment. In my case, I'm developing this to work with a project schedule to get a commitment from the…
Three levels of detail on single calendar view
All - We have data that is organized into a Target->Category->Item hierarchy, for example: Target: Big Event in Las Vegas Category: Digital Blogs Item: Blog about XYZ There is a "Target Date" for the top level Target, and an item "Due Date" for individual items. I am trying to fashion the data in a calendar view so that…
Formulas and Reports
Hello everyone This may be a simple fix; however, I am fairly new to Smartsheet and any insight would be appreciated. I built a report that is linked to three different sheets. They were originally imported from Excel that way the formulas would carry over easily. When I pulled everything together, the three rows that I…
Page break / separation between years / header
We have a pipeline report pulling data from a primary sheet that we need to separate out by year. Is there a way to add a row or page break to distinguish and separate the two years? Also, In regards to header row at top of reports is there a way to make the font larger and the width of the column itself larger in just the…
combining sheets
Hi, everyone! I would like to create a sheet or report that combines all of my other sheets so that I can look at them all together and sort by task. Ideally, this "master sheet" would update as each individual sheet is updated. Any help is appreciated!
Filter option after Building a Report
Hi, After building a report, it would be great if we had the ability to use filters similar to the other sheets. Thanks, Brent
automatic notifications when dates are passed
We created a new sheet for tracking our work and have a cell with a due date for design submittals. There is an empty cell next to the due date that we want the user to add either a check box or date to show the submittal was actually done. The question is, if the date or checkbox isn't filled out after the due date has…