Import vs Copy and paste
Hello, I currently have a report that gets generated outside of smartsheets, we call this the BOAR report. I previously was copy/pasting the BOAR into a smartsheets grid but sometimes the BOAR is very large and cannot be copied. The reason I was not importing the BOAR is because I have multiple ss reports that are…
Publish Report Link as Read Only- HTML
Publish report links with as Read Only-HTML like you are able to publish sheets to have the ability to remove attachments and comments. Hiding Columms still allows users think the links to view that attachments, and incorporating the report into a widget takes too much time
Linked sheet data not refreshing
I’m unable to use a report as I need to pull data from two sheets that I don’t own and do a calculation .. because of this, I insert data from the whole column of the source sheet into mine as a link. Everything works great until new data is added. Most of the time it works .. but I’ve noticed some quirkiness when new rows…
Smartsheet report - filter criteria - task name
Hi all, I was trying to build a smart sheet report to consolidate 3 projects. However at the filter step I couldn't see any task option there whilst I do have tasks set up in every project. Did anyone have the same problem? Did I set up projects incorrectly? I'm grateful for any help and advice here. Thanks, Ringo
Speed up loading of a Report linked to multiple Sheets
I have a number of Workspaces representing different Projects. I want to be able to Report on specific Sheets within each Workspace. I have several different Reports, each uses data from a different Sheet within the Workspace(s). Whenever a new project (Workspace) is added, I amend the Report data source to include the new…
CountIf Date formula compare different date columns
I have 3 date columns: Start Date, Draft Due Date, Final Due Date The date columns are all initially auto-set to the same date; professionals are to subsequently update the Draft and Final due dates to a later date. I would like to count the ones that never get updated, i.e. Draft Due Date = Start Date. By the filters…
How to build a report that will count different criteria from a column?
I have a dropdown multi-select column in my sheet. It can be seen below: I want to be able to build a report in Smartsheet that will be able to tell me the count of each different category. For example, a count of all the clients that selected American/Alaskan Native as their race. Or, all the clients that selected…
Totals Per Month Using Multiple Columns
Hi Everyone! Hope you are all having a great day. I can't seem to figure out a formula to calculate values in a given month using multiple columns. More specifically, I'm trying to reference our main sheet and count values from columns called "Meeting 1", "Meeting 2", and "Meeting 3". I only want to count the meeting that…
Include Sheet Summary fields in Row Reports
I've seen several queries about this, and workarounds but can't find a suggestion so here's one! I have multiple sheets with the same name (in different workspaces). I want to use a Row Report but separate out / summarise the entries per sheet. The only field I can use is "sheet name" which is the same for all, but what I…
Merged: Checkbox column SUM summary in Reports
This discussion has been merged.