We've had RM set for up years, but as of late last week, ~3/12, email notifications are being sent out of RM when a change is done on the SS project site. These are not new projects and I am one of tw…
Hello everyone, I am currently in the middle of configuring RM for the IT team I work with. We are struggling with getting this views as it seems RM is more designed to showcase groups allocation. Wit…
Dear Smartsheet Product Team, We would like to request enhancements to Resource Management (RM) to improve its functionality for global teams: Country-Specific Holidays Currently, any holiday added in…
Hi all - I'm excited to share a custom Javascript solution with my fellow Bridge users. I am not a Jscript coder - all credit for this goes to the awesome @Nathan Lloyd at Smartsheet - Large Enterpris…
Working with a multi-family developer building multiple apartment buildings on the same project. Trying to get in front of bottlenecks in the schedule where we're expecting multiple crews in multiple …
While Smartsheet did recently release a method for accessing Resource Management from the left navigation, our team finds more value in looking at the "Reports" I've set up within RM. Reports that I'v…
I'd like to see a notification alert when adding a contact if they are over allocated somewhere else. Currently, the heatmap at the side only shows that a resource is over allocated, yet still allows …
Hi, I'm trying to revise a formula and am a bit stuck on how to do it. I would like to pull resource utilization information from my Project Plan into a Team sheet (and no, we don't have the Resource …
I currently can only see the total hour assigned to a resource on a specific day. I would like to have it broken down even further to see what tasks and the hours associated with each task. Then I can…
Hello, I want to assign different workloads to people who are members of projects, but I am unable to figure out how to do that. For example I would like to set up: Project A has 2 members: Member A w…