Managing permissions for sheets that will be updated via reports
Hi, I have a sheet that I want users to update using a report. It would be best not to open the sheet up to the full universe of users, but new users are added frequently and I don't want to continually be updating the permissions for the sheet or a group. What are the best options for doing this? The report I am using is…
Baffled......Circular / Blocked Reference (Vlookup)
This one is baffling. I have a problem with 2 sheets reading each others data through a Vlookup. Each sheet has Vlookup ranges from the other sheet. I understand why formula and Vlookup may return a #circular or #blocked reference, but I don't understand why my sheets work perfectly for periods of time, and then start…
Transferring ownership
Hi there, I get an error message when trying to transfer ownership to a collaborator with admin status. Any ideas about the best way to transfer ownership of the sheet? I may need to transfer ownership of the workspace down the line. Best, Esperanza
Editor Permissions
Hi, We have sensitive data and its important for us the shared Editor to be able to edit cells information but not to be permitted to delete rows and columns . Is there a way to configure sheet sharing permissions for editors and public users and and not to allow them delete the rows and columns ? Thank you
Filter View Access for certain users
Hi everyone, I am using Smartsheet to implement an AM (additive manufacturing) order tool for a SME, which uses AM for prototyping. Objective of that project is to directly set an order out of the CAD programm (STL-file, part specifications) into Smartsheet, which will automatically send a notification to the supplier, who…
How to hide columns in callenderview
Inside a Report i can choice what columns i want to show in the grid and gantt view, however if i switch to callenderview and selected a project it shows everything. is there a possiblity its only shows the choisen columns.
Branding smartsheet links
Can i brand all link on smartsheet to my domain link like mapping , for example smartsheet.mydomain.com Thank
Accessing a Group Created by a Colleague
My colleague created a large group of contacts in our organization with the intention of using this group for email permissions in Dynamic Views. We are both Group and System administrators on our business account, and I am able to access and edit the group in Group Management, but the issue is that I am not able to access…
Gantt view for unlicensed users
Hi, We are sharing this sheet with unlicensed collaborators. However, they are running to some glitches. For example, the column titled "Aleta" here is actually named "Fin", and within Gantt view Monday should correspond to L (it currently shows as ME for METRO). Importantly, Gantt view of dates repeats the same dates…
Can I make a person an Admin on a report but make them only as an Editor or View on base sheet?
I have created multiple reports from a base sheet but do I am wondering if one person can have different access levels to sheet and base sheet. I know they need access to the base sheet in order to view and edit information the report but I don't want them to have access to edit or share the base sheet.