Collaborator name vs email appearing in Share list
When I share a Workspace, some collaborators appear in the share list with their name only and others with email only. In both scenarios, their Contact includes first name, last name and email AND both are free collaborators. I need them to appear/be listed by name, instead of email only. I've removed and shared again to…
Collaborators can't sort rows
I've been using Smartsheet for years, and this is the first time I've encountered this issue. I have a number of free collaborators in a shared space, all having access to 6 sheets. They all have the same permission level: Editor - Can Share. At first it was working fine, but then people started emailing me saying they…
User Administration Invite vs. Shared
I am getting errors when attempting to invite a user to smartsheets. The error "xxxyyyzzz@xmail.com" is currently a licensed user in Smartsheet. To add them to your account, grant them a license" I do not want to grant them a license of ours if they are already licensed and we have very limited licenses. We did this with…
Using reports (or other methods) to update sheet - security question
Hi there, I'm fairly new to Upwork. I have worked through a lot of the training material, but I haven't yet covered it all, and I also lack experience. I have a Sheet with a large amount of client data on it, some of this info is sensitive. I want to ask several staff members to make contact with each client, then update a…
Transferring ownership of a workspace to client
Hi, I have a created a work space with customisation sheets for a client, but now I want to completely transfer that workspace to my client. How do I do that? without having him saving sheet as new? it should be the same sheet, just need to transfer ownership.
Dashboard Calendar
Hi, I was wondering if someone would be able to point me in the right direction as to how you can create a dashboard calendar that can be displayed for everyone who has access to see. This would be used for project management and to track tasks and their completion dates. Kind regards, Sync
SUMIF formula when cell contains multiple collaborators
I currently have a formula that will sum up the "Hours Used" from the "proposed hours needed" field based on which intern is assigned. =SUMIF(Intern:Intern, "Michelle", [Proposed Hours Needed]:[Proposed Hours Needed]) However, when BOTH interns are assigned, it doesn't acknowledge the hours - how can I update my formula to…
Sharing sheets and workspaces
I am a sys admin in SmartSheet and need to have access to all sheets, workspaces, reports and dashboards shared with me. Do the individual owners of each of these need to share them with me or is there a way I can share them with myself as a sys admin?
Dashboard Sharing: Is there a way to check all the Dashboards I currently have published?
Hello, I've created a few Dashboards and published them for viewing. After viewed, I removed the publish option in order to stop anyone from acessing them. Is there a way to check all the Dashboards I currently have published? I wanted to make sure I haven't left any of them out.
Is there a way to alphabetically sort collaborators and shared users (when emailing a sheet)?
I have sheets that I want to notify a few people of changes. When I use the email to shared users function it will list all users shared to the workspace first and also users shared to the sheet. It would be helpful to see the list in name alphabetical order so I know I have selected the correct people. I find myself…