Including a checkbox column in formula returns "INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET"
Hi all, I am trying to make a formula that Calculates the hours spent on tasks with certain conditions. I have 2 arguments in my formula that are currently causing it to return this output. Here is the formula: =SUMIFS({Custom Engineering Requests: Days To Complete}, {Custom Engineering Requests: Drawing Category},…
Select Different Colors for Select and Multi-Select dropdown results
Hi! It would be really cool if the result displayed in a cel for the result of a drop-down choice could be a different color in that cel. Also, have that be able to change by status/be filterable. This would make it a lot more intuitive instead of everything just being grey. Imagine the below with the ability for Maine to…
SUMPRODUCT Workarounds?
Hey all, I'm evaluating Smartsheets for my business and trying to determine whether workarounds exist for some necessary calculations. Three big ones are cost calculation, weight calculation and inventory management. I currently use Excel for these. My arrangement is I have all our products on the top row, with all of our…
Cells turning "yellow" automatically
I noticed that if I enter a new comment using the little text bubble icon in a row, that cell turns yellow automatically. Why would this be?
Immediate Auto-Save
I'm trying to implement a solution for a team that needs changes automatically and immediately saved so the rest of the team can see the changes without delay. Is there a way to set each user's auto-save to immediate, rather than the current 1 minute? Or is there another suggestion for how to setup the sheet so that the…
Changing linked Google Drive file names
We have a substantial amount of Google Drive files linked (not attached) in our grids and have encountered a situation where we honestly need to rename them, rename some folders, and move others around - what's the best way to handle a situation like this without fouling up the links?
Forwarding Approval Requests
Hi All, I am developing a system that involves a large workflow of approvals. I have it set up so that the user selects a person for each approval to go to. However, I want to be able to have the person who receives the approval, be able to defer the approval to a superior if it is necessary. I found that forwarding an…
Custom Formulas or build in formulas for symbol to value conversion
We are currently evaluation Smartsheets (and others) for our team. Smartsheets feels very intuitive. The one thing I like are the symbols for completion e.g. the bar or the pie symbol, but then I'm struggling to use those in formulas. E.g. I use the bar symbol but now want to get to the overall progress for a parent task.…
Does SmartSheet Allow User tracking similar to Google Analytics?
We would like to track the usage of Dashboards, Forms and sheets if it is possible similar to Google Analytics?
Does Smartsheet integrate well with any barcode generators?
I'm heading the inventory control department at our lab and we'll need to be able to track parent and child samples throughout the lab via scanning them at which ever work station they happen to be at. Any recommendations for a good barcode generator that works well within Smartsheets would be appreciated!