"Review status" based on multiple checkboxes
Hello! I need help trying to figure out formulas that triggers the review status to green or red based on how many checkboxes that represent each month of the year are checked off. The boxes that are checked off would be based off on the frequency column which is semi-annually, annually, bi-weekly, daily, quarterly,…
Parent Status based on Children Statuses - Need help refining this formula
Hey Smartsheet Community! I have a beast of a formula that has probably gotten a bit away from me, but I need help refining this so it meets certain criteria per our stakeholders vision. Here's the formula: =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN()) = COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Complete"), "Complete", IF(COUNT(CHILDREN()) = AND(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(),…
Ticket View: View both all records with focus on one
A view where you can see all of your rows, and choose one to expand and maximize while the rest stay in sight. Similar to a ZenDesk agent view.
Conditional Formatting Primary Column Indention
Is there any way to indent specific rows in the primary column that meet a specific condition, like through conditional formatting? For example, WBS ID is the Primary Column. I would like to indent that row if the Activity ID is not blank. It appears that the only way to do so is manually indenting/outdenting.
Formula to determine Duplicate items copied from one sheet to another
I have multiple sheets feeding this sheet. When items are modified changed updated or added they get copied to this master sheet. The newest items are the ones I have highlighted in yellow which I want to identify as the "Latest", that way I can have it auto move the out dated row to an archive sheet. This is the current…
Controlled data: Create Rows but not Edit OR Edit Rows but not Create
prevent accidental edits and maintain data integrity by allow users to create but not edit fields. or to stop duplicate fields from being created, grant users the ability to edit but stop them from creating new ones.
Automatically Update Numbers in Countdown Formula
Currently, I have to refresh every day I need to see the most up-to-date number of days remaining for an event. I'm surprised this doesn't exist already considering how many tools there are for event and project launch coordination.
VLOOKUP to another sheet using images
I love the new VLOOKUP functionality and am using it to try to reference IMAGES that I have stored in another sheet.However, I noticed that SmartSheet only pulls in the image name (example: imagename.jpg) and does not actually show the image. This would be so useful to actually pull in the image itself as a…
Adding more rows or columns
Hello, I have 25 rows for different initiatives. Each initiative is shared with multiple depts (up to 10), and each dept needs to document a few outcomes for their initiative. In your experience, shall I add 10 depts X 3 outcomes so 30 columns to each row? or copy the initiative into 10 rows and assign one dept per each…
Natural Language processing for dates
Natural Language Processing to set key dates using the same conversational tone from comments. specify time with descriptions like "Tomorrow at lunch" to instantly populate Thursday's 12 p.m. deadline as a date.