Prefill Contact Field using URL query
Hello, I've tried every trick and formatting option possible to prefill the contact field on a form using the contact field from another sheet. The contact list looks like the screenshot below. The true field name in the sheet of Product Line Manager is PLM I've tried ?PLM=Kevin%20Hietpas%20%28khietpas%40email.com%29…
URLs for Templates
I have a few sheets that I saved as templates for other team members to use. I wanted to make the templates accessible from a dashboard by adding a shortcut to take users directly to the template preview so they can view it and choose to use the template.
Troubleshooting custom URL queries to populate forms
I am trying to create a URL query to pre-fill part of a form. Here is the base form draft: Here is the customization attempt (only one query for now) which does not seem to work: Here is a screenshot showing that the field name matches the one in the query "FirstName" Why isn't the first name field populating" I am…
URL Query String with Dynamic Data Connected to QR Code?
I recently built out an inventory system that generates a custom URL query string for each item that partially pre-fills out a form to check items in/out of inventory. The form is meant to include a "current stock level" value so the person knows how much they are able to check out of inventory, but the team using it wants…
Custom URL Using HTTPS needed for enterprise customers please
Per many interactions with Smartsheet over the topic of Custom URL and why it would not work it was determined finally that https is not supported by Smartsheet. As an enterprise account this is a requirement for us and our IT team. HTTPS method is not currently supported for CNAME we need this to be able to create a…
Need function or @row formula to get attachment URLs (Index if multiple attachments).
Need a function or @row formula to get the specific attachment URL for any row attachment. This function could be used in a column so @row.GetAttachmentURL(Index) would return a URL. This is similar to the URL generated when the Attachment ->Send email menu option is used. This would allow Automation workflows to send…
URL query string to prefill default values on a form malfunction. What am I doing wrong?
I'm using a URL query string to prefill default values on a form. When I click the link, it takes me to the form and all of the fields are filled out as expected. However, when I fill out the remainder of the information the form gives me a "invalid or incomplete" error and will not submit. I can submit a blank form with…
Bridge-Insert Hyperlink
Using Bridge, how can I set up a workflow to pull a URL from one cell, and add it as a formatted hyperlink to another? I've tried searching through modules and the API documentation, but I'm very much a beginner and not quite sure what to look for. Example:
URL-Query on Dashboards
It would be extremely useful if there was a way to update a form by referencing it in the URL of the dashboard. For instance, referencing the form ID in the dashboard URL, and then referencing the columns in the form as done normally with URL-Query We have redundant tasks which have several columns in the form that need to…
Is it possible to URL-Query an embedded form?
I am wondering if it is possible to prefill an embedded form on a dashboard by referencing the form in the dashboard URL?