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Hyperlink support in Index/Match/Collect/etc. functions

As other posts for help point out hyperlinks do not transfer when when using functions to look up hyperlink values. Please add support for looking up hyperlink values via formula such that the Display Text and URL transfer to the destination. See details in the links below.

The workaround of linking to a cell in another sheet containing a URL is extremely tedious when working with many rows.

The workaround of using URLs only with no friendly text is unprofessional and gives a poor user experience.


15 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • MarkCep
    MarkCep ✭✭✭✭✭

    You should be able to copy a hyperlink (such as a link to another sheet) by way of a formula. Having to do each one separately is painful and time consuming.

  • MitchK
    MitchK ✭✭

    Not having this is a huge disappointment.

    I've already got the hyperlink in one sheet, and when I INDEX/MATCH or VLOOKUP that cell, I should be able to pull not just the text but the whole link including the friendly name over. It's so annoying to only be able to get the URL

  • Cell linking brings over text instead of full functionality such as a hyperlink. see this article:

  • JCroz
    JCroz ✭✭

    This is a known issue, but I'm adding my vote for the functionality. Please enable hyperlinks in the data delivered by VLOOKUP and INDEX(COLLECT) functions. It's a deep disappointment that only the text within a cell will show.

    Others have pointed this out:*MTcyMTgyMjcwNS4yMS4xLjE3MjE4MjI3NDAuMjUuMC4w