Auto-populate emails on a "contact list" column
I have a Form created for internal employees where they can submit request tickets to my department. We all have an account with Smartsheet. One of our columns ("Requestor Name") is in the Form where they type in their names. The "Requestor Name" column is a Contac List column. My issue here is, how can I have Smartsheet…
Problem with Data Shuttle that is not accepting xlsx files?
Hi All, Anyone experienced problems with Data Shuttle that it is suddenly not accepting the xlsx files from One Drive anymore? From my side when I open the file itself the section "Protect/Unprotect" sheet under Review is greyed out. Could it be that this is due to Microsoft Information Protection that I'm not able anymore…
Help for Status Change and Tracking
I am trying to create dashboard widgets from data that I am tracking. For this widget I am wanting to have a graph show the number of people in each status section I have listed: "Not Started", "In Progress" and "Completed". Each employee has an individual sheet with tasks listed along with corresponding start/end dates,…
Workflows are unreliable. Anyone else having that problem?
I've had workflows that worked fine for almost a year. Now they fail. The workflow will move rows to another sheet at 4 am. Plus, I have a manual version of the same workflow. For a while it would work if I changed under 30 rows, but fail if I changed more than 30 rows. Then it was 20, then it was 1 (I could change one row…
Can you copy specific rows to a new sheet without bringing over child rows?
We do our weekly reports (Good, Brutal Facts, and Help Needed) within SmartSheet (Have 5 levels of Hierarchy with "+" and "-" icons), and our process has gained traction with other teams. We are looking at how to scale our process to accommodate another level of leader (Currently goes from Managers -> Director and Director…
RAID Log Date Value Locking per column when status changes
Hello everyone, I have tried to find the best answer for this but I see too many threads and different responses. If anyone could help as I am new to this. I am only looking to lock in a date value on 2 columns whenever there is a status change, from when an issue is raised and then resolved. I know there is a record a…
Using placeholder to include today's date on workflow alert
Hi, I'm creating a workflow that sends an alert to specific people every Monday at 9am. I want to include today's date in the subject line of that alert. Is it possible to add a placeholder to the subject field to include today's date? Thanks,
Identify Workflow from ID?
Good morning, got a random one. Is there any way to identify what sheet or workflow an automation ran from? I got a rogue automation this morning, and I don't know what sheet it lives in. However, I noticed at the bottom of the email, there is an ID number, similar to a sheet or row ID. Is there any way, maybe with the…
Merged: Ability to share Data Shuttle Workflows between users.
This discussion has been merged.
Error on managing workflows
When I attempt to 'manage workflows' on one of my sheets, I'm getting a very nonspecific "something went wrong, try again later" error. It's happened for several days and I've rebooted/cleared browser cache multiple times in that period. I'm NOT getting that error on all sheets -- I've been able to create/edit workflows &…