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Detailed asset access report showing assets actually accessed / edited during a set timeframe

Would like to have a way to get a list of Smartsheet assets that each user has viewed and/or edited within the last 90 (or 'xx') days? The Sheet Access report only shows the assets that each user is shared to - but it does not show you which assets they have actually accessed and/or edited. I would think this information has to be available somewhere because the user type report provides a count of the number of views, edits, comments, etc. made by each user.

Under the new user subscription model, we need to determine which of our current users we might be able to switch to Viewer licenses in order to keep our Member license count in check. The best way we can think to do that is to be able to see which specific assets users are modifying as some assets are more critical to the organization than others. So users that are only doing a small number of edits to "less important" assets would be the most logical ones to switch to Viewer licenses than those users who are editing "more important" assets.

The current Sheet Access report provides a "last modified" column but it shows the last time the asset was modified by anyone who has access. So it's the same timestamp for every user shared to the asset. If this column showed the "last modified" date for each specific shared user, that would be helpful. It would be blank if the user only has viewer permissions or has never made changes.

10 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • KyleB
    KyleB ✭✭

    We would like to see extra fields in the sheet access report to show when the sheet was last accessed, like when a user or external collaborator has last logged into and accessed that sheet.