Today it appears group lists are sorted by date added (can't really tell)? It is not sorted alphabetically, which would be more helpful.
Should I submit a ticket for this? The list of the people inside the group is not alpha order and there is no way to sort it.
Thank you.
Hi @ker9
You can sort Groups by name on the Group Management page by clicking on the arrow that appears to the right of the "Group Name" label:
In regards to the contacts within the group, I believe they're auto-sorted alphabetically ascending (meaning from Z - A instead of from A - Z). Would you like me to change the name of this Idea to reflect Sorting the contacts, instead of sorting the Group Names?
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Yes, you may change the subject line. It is about sorting the contacts in the Group. The order makes no sense and can't be sorted. It would help if the order were at least alphabetical.
Thank you.
Yes, frustrating that we cannot order the contacts in a group in alpha order.
When you have large numbers of user email-addresses in a GROUP, it is very hard to maintain that list directly, because they are in entry sequence and NOT sorted in any manner.
Please create a feature that allows entries in a GROUP to be sequenced, at least in alphabetical order ( arranged in the order of the letters of the English alphabet ).
Please fix this, it's basic system management to at least have it alphabetically and to be able to export the list to verify against a personnel list. I have a group with over 2000 names and another with over 500. I need better management tools.
Still need this for better group management. In addition, now when you view who is in a group through the Sharing screen, those names are no longer alphabetical, but they used to be, so recently broken.
It's mind-boggling to me that simple user interface alphabetize is missing.
Upvoted this! Should be basic functionality in any table/list. This is a stupid workaround but I just highlight all the text of user names and pasted it into excel, then set up a filter to sort A to Z. At least I can look at them alphabetically that way…
This is just so pathetic - when I look at a group through Sharing on a workspace it should be alphabetized by what users can see and not randomly sorted by some secret ID or invisible email address.
This is for sorting the members of the group. A simple sort on the column header would suffice. It is impossible to determine who is included or missing from a large group as they are now just displaying in creation order ( I believe).
Smartsheet -this may never get many votes as it is a system admin function. Please consider this even if it is not a high vote getter.
Would also like to have the way to alphabetize a contact list.
@Genevieve P. - I can attest that the contacts in groups are not sorted alpha by name… it seems to be by date added to the group maybe?
This would be very beneficial as I have a couple groups with over a hundred members, and its a pain to export a data file to sort.
Still waiting for better management tools - years and years later.