Uncheck Box

I have a formula that says IF(Date@row<TODAY(-14),1,0), to add a checkmark, but how do I add a formula that says once a next recurring date has been added to remove this checkmark.

Best Answer

  • Deric
    Deric ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I like to get rid of the event first:

    =IF([Next Recurring Date]@row <> "", 0, IF(Date@row < TODAY(-14),1,0))

    It might make more sense to think of it this way though:

    =IF([Next Recurring Date]@row = "", IF(Date@row < TODAY(-14), 1), 0)


  • Deric
    Deric ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I like to get rid of the event first:

    =IF([Next Recurring Date]@row <> "", 0, IF(Date@row < TODAY(-14),1,0))

    It might make more sense to think of it this way though:

    =IF([Next Recurring Date]@row = "", IF(Date@row < TODAY(-14), 1), 0)

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