Idea - Opening a preview of an Excel file (similar to the current PDF previews) when it is an attachment on a row in my Smartsheet.
Example from my work - I really would appreciate the ability to preview Excel sheets so we can tell if the document submitted is our new Fiscal Year 24 form or the "old" fiscal year forms that we are rejecting.
Virginia C. Hire Damrauer
We are utilizing smartsheets for project tracking and a pre-requisite for specific project sizes is to attach supporting documentation. Most of these files are .docx it would be value add to be able to 'preview' the file vs. having to download it every time and opening. It seems like the functionality works for .jpeg/.png and .pdf files only.
I would welcome this, at the moment I export the email /word doc into a PDF ... it is a faff.
A preview functionality of all doc regardless of format would be useful and time saver.
Salèha El D.
Talks about #Smartsheet #productivity, #eventindustry, and #informationtechnology
➖Continuous improvement – for me, an ongoing desire to enhance processes, and increase productivity ➖
Yes please may we have this.
I am working with a client just now that needs to upload the details onto a spreadsheet but then has to download the file to read the details. That isn't working very well at all. I thought it had a preview in the past so just want to make sure it hasn't changed.
This would be very useful and save quite a bit of time. It would make attachment much more useful in SmartSheet.
Would love a feature to preview all documents regardless of format (pdf, excel, etc.). This would be very useful and time saver. Current process downloads excel sheets and have to open each document individually to look at one point of information.
Please prioritize working on this!!!