Smartsheet Profile

Sherry Fox
Sherry Fox ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 07/12/23 in Show & Tell

Okay, first I am a contractor. I work for a Staffing Agency, and the client is Medtronic. Now, I am trying to be proactive here (FL is a right to work state). I have my current Smartsheet account (and community profile) through my current job at Medtronic. Based on someone's suggestion (which was for getting certified so it stays with me, not my company.) I set-up a personal account (which I am not actively using. Through some major searching I found the link below on how to have my profile changed from one job email to another (when/if that happens). However in my LIFETIME I have never been aware of my new email until my onboarding process has begin. And in fact at multiple jobs, I was at the company 1-2 weeks before I finally got an email account set-up. In addition, when there are firing, Reductions In Forces (RIFs), and sometimes even layoffs, and furloughs, there is NO notice given. So given these potential situations, what are realistic options? It is unrealistic for me to use my work email to use Smartsheet and my personal email to access the community (and have everything transferred to that account). Plus who is to say that the next company I work for will even use Smartsheet? I say this as the last 3 companies I worked for did NOT. So what do I do?

Sherry Fox

Data Science & Reporting Specialist | PA Performance & Data Insights

UnitedHealth Group | OptumRx

EAP | Mobilizer | Automagician | Superstar | Community Champion


  • Hi @Sherry Fox

    I completely understand not knowing your next Smartsheet account email ahead of time and I hear your frustrations.

    The Community is directly tied to a Smartsheet account, using your direct log in. Since the Community login is an extension of your Smartsheet account, if you have an entirely new Smartsheet account you'll have an entirely new Community profile, too.

    Due to security reasons, we cannot delete someone's email from their Community profile unless that request comes directly from the email address that will be removed (otherwise anyone could ask to delete your email, or my email, or any email at all).

    There are a few ways to manage account transitions:

    1. Transfer over your Community account to a personal email & account (can be a Free plan) so you have the same Profile regardless of how many jobs/companies you work for.
    2. Request to transfer your current account to a personal account in the interim, then request it to be transferred to the new email/account at a new job if they use Smartsheet.
    3. Create multiple Community profiles: each associated with the new account / new job (this would work for lower-level ranks that don't have a lot of badges or content)



  • Sherry Fox
    Sherry Fox ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. ,

    Has Smartsheet ever thought of or considered allowing a secondary email to be listed on the Smartsheet Community Profile? I make this suggestion as it is currently something that exists on my LinkedIn Learning Profile. I would have both my email here at Medtronic and my personal email listed on my Community Profile. Perhaps my contracts ends here at Medtronic. And perhaps it is a few months before I am back to work, at ABC, Inc, let's say. Once I am fully onboarded, I could contact Smartsheet, through my personal account and request the profile transfer. And as expected, you would send the confirmation email to both my Medtronic and personal accounts, either of which could provide the required confirmation. And considering I have never had my new email until after starting a new job, I honestly feel that having the ability to add a personal email for security/confirmation is a win-win for everybody. If this is not something that has been considered, could you pass it along to be considered? Thank you.

    Sherry Fox

    Data Science & Reporting Specialist | PA Performance & Data Insights

    UnitedHealth Group | OptumRx

    EAP | Mobilizer | Automagician | Superstar | Community Champion

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 07/14/23

    Hi @Sherry Fox

    Thanks for the suggestion! This is the first time a secondary email has been suggested for Community specifically, and it has not yet been explored as a possibility. If you have a secondary email on your Smartsheet account (such as your personal one), then you can make this your Primary email and use it to sign in to the same Community profile that way. Here's the article on Primary and Secondary emails in Smartsheet.

    Please feel free to post this as an Idea the Community Ideas topic so other members can vote on it and provide their feedback as well!



  • Sherry Fox
    Sherry Fox ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Genevieve P. ,

    First of all, I tried that link: Here's the article on Primary and Secondary emails in Smartsheet. and it resulted in a Blank page, and the URL was replaced with this:

    Second, I went to my profile to explore the idea of a secondary email. It will allow me to CHANGE my work email (Medtronic) and replace it with another, but there is no place that shows I can add a secondary. Now perhaps that inform you indicated is on that page I cannot get to.

    And finally as you suggested, I just posted this subject as an idea for the community to vote on:

    Sherry Fox

    Data Science & Reporting Specialist | PA Performance & Data Insights

    UnitedHealth Group | OptumRx

    EAP | Mobilizer | Automagician | Superstar | Community Champion

  • Hi @Sherry Fox

    My apologies! I've updated the hyperlink from my previous comment to go to the correct Help Article for the Smartsheet application email information. Here it is as well:

    There isn't a way to add this secondary email in Community as Community is only connected to your Smartsheet application Primary email, but this would allow you to change the email in the app down the line, which would automatically update Community as well.

    Thanks for posting the Idea!



  • Sherry Fox
    Sherry Fox ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. ,

    At this time, I would not want to change the email associated with my Smartsheet account. As I said, I am simply being proactive on continuing to have access access and later transfer my profile to my new job. I do understand you security reasons, however they are not practical. I have NEVER had access to my new and old email at the same time, let alone known what my new email would be prior to my actual onboarding at that new role. An d by then, I no longer have access to my old job email to initiate the request to transfer. I hope that my idea is received well by the community and receives the necessary votes to have this as a new process.

    Sherry Fox

    Data Science & Reporting Specialist | PA Performance & Data Insights

    UnitedHealth Group | OptumRx

    EAP | Mobilizer | Automagician | Superstar | Community Champion