Dynamic View Detail Panel not displaying selected fields

I have a Dynamic View built from a report with 59 columns. The original sheet has 130 columns. I set up the Detail Panel to display 19 of those columns. I do not have any conditional formatting set up and none of the fields are hidden or required.

When I click into the Detail Panel, it is not displaying some of the columns I've selected to appear. They are all plain text, date, or checkbox fields. Does anyone know why this could be happening?


  • Hi @egardner

    You note that the Dynamic View is built off of a Report. If that's the case, then when you select a Row in the View, the only fields that will appear in the Panel are the ones that exist on the underlying sheet.

    Does your Report pull together multiple sheets? If so, is it possible that the row you're selecting is on a sheet that doesn't have any of the missing fields?

    In the Report, if you try to edit data in the cells of those columns/fields it should be greyed out as they don't exist.

    Try clicking on a different Dynamic View row that's pulled from a different source sheet. Does that one show all the fields available?

    Let me know if that explains what you're seeing!



  • egardner
    egardner ✭✭✭✭

    Hey Genevieve,

    Thanks for your help on this.

    I just checked and all the fields missing from the dynamic view previously mentioned exist in both the underlying Sheet as well as the the Report. Also, the Report pulls in only one Sheet.



  • Hey @egardner

    Thanks for checking and confirming!

    Next thing to look at... do you have any Logic at all in your View?

  • egardner
    egardner ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Genevieve,

    I do not have any logic built, nor are any fields hidden or columns/rows locked.



  • Hi @egardner

    The only reasons I can think of for why a field wouldn't appear on the Panel if it's selected in your set-up would be if those fields aren't associated with the underlying sheet (when a Report has multiple source sheets) or if there are Logic rules applied to that field.

    Since you've confirmed that in your case neither is true, the best way to troubleshoot this now will be directly with Smartsheet Support via the Support Portal. This is so that they can look at this with you one-on-one in a private channel, where you can share additional details. They'll likely need the following:

    • Source sheet and report URLs
    • Screen capture of the source sheet, showing column types if possible
    • Full screen captures of your Dynamic View set-up (each tab)
    • Dynamic View panel after set-up
    • Email address of the owner/users accessing the view that are not seeing the selected fields

