Smartsheet Automation Email - Sender

Brittany S
edited 10/17/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I've set my automations to Send from Smartsheet Automation. Some emails are right and others still show they are from the sheet owner. The emails are from the same automation. Does anyone know why it does not consistently work?


  • Ella
    Ella ✭✭✭✭

    @Brittany S I noticed the same. It would be nice to have consistency.

  • Hey @Brittany S

    I haven't been able to reproduce this: if the alert is from "Smartsheet Automation" then it stays from this generic title. I know you noted that this came from the same workflow, but is there any chance that there are more than one workflows set up on this sheet?

    If not, can you identify anything different between the two alerts? (E.g. multiple rows in one, a single row in the other). I'd like to see if I can trigger the same behaviour.

    Here's more information regarding the sender name: Customize from name



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