My WorkApps are not all showing in the home page

We have a couple issues with WorkApps.

1) Manually built do not show up for team members in their WorkApps tab even when searched for . They have been added to roles and the app has been published, just not showing up.

2) Control Center provisioned WorkApps not showing up either even for the Owners and Admins.

I have created several manually and they seem to work for me but I do not see all that are shared to me.

Any thoughts, ideas or experience someone can share or am I in the position of needing to open a support case?



  • Hey @Randy B CDN

    Is there any possibility the WorkApps aren't appearing due to a filter being selected? For example, if you create and share a WorkApp, for the shared user, it will only appear under the "All" filter or the "Shared with you" filter:

    Keep in mind that if a filter is selected, it will stay selected even when using Search on the left:

    If this doesn't explain your issue, then yes, I would recommend opening a Support ticket. They will need to see a screen capture of your WorkApps home page (like above) with the shared user unable to see the desired WorkApp, along with the email address of who you shared it to, and the confirmation that it's the same email in the Role.



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  • Randy B CDN
    Randy B CDN ✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/23/23

    Genevieve, thanks for your response. It is not a filter setting. I believe the support ticket will be required.

    WorkApps manually created can be seen if you own or they are shared, it is the WorkApps created by Control Center that are not showing up and are difficult for users to find even if shared and published.


  • Hey @Randy B CDN

    Thanks for clarifying! Yes, please do contact Support then with as much information as possible so they can troubleshoot with you in a private channel.

    Thank you,


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    こんにちは (Konnichiwa), Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, Olá, Ciao!👋 | Global Discussions

  • Randy B CDN
    Randy B CDN ✭✭✭✭

    Sorry for the late reply. Discovered Control Center created WorkApps are available under a single "Portfolio" WorkApp which opens up in control center based on Current User. Walked our team through it and I think they are all OK now.