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Start Date & End Date in Minutes, Hours, and Weeks

ozgur kaya
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Many thanks for the "Duration in Minutes" update. I also wonder if there is a way to enter Start Dates and End Dates in Minutes, Hours, and Weeks; too.

For example; I have a task which starts at the 3rd hour of a workday and no predecessor task to it; but another task before it which ends at the 3rd hour.


  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 07/14/15

    The ability to set a specific start and end time was not included in this release but it is something we are tracking feedback for. Thanks for asking!  

  • Hi


    Do you know if this ability is planned ?

  • Roland Horwood
    Roland Horwood ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/22/16



    looking for this functionality also. Especially for team calendars. People often take half days off and it's important to know whether it's morning or afternoon.


    Regards - Roland

  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 03/22/16

    Jean-Francois and Roland, this functionality is something we would like to add to the app in the future but I dont have information on when this might be. 

  • Hey Guys, This string outlines exactly what I need as well. After a year, any update? Would be really helpful for us to track submission of task requests by the hour. Thanks!


  • Hello,


    There currently isn't a way to track time (hh:mm:ss) in Smartsheet but I've got your vote down for this on our enhancement request list for further consideration.


    We appreciate your input!

  • Hi,

    we need this feature too, for planing a go-live of a big software-project including a data-migration with many very short tasks (few minutes up to a few hours). At the moment we have to use another tool for this, but we need this feature in smartsheet.

    In addition, a more detailed zoom-level would be nice, with the current maximum level all our short tasks are just a thin line on the screen (see attached screenshot).

    Regards, Michael


  • I was surprised the Gantt view would not zoom in further than days. So I agree Mike VdK on this need. Not all projects have tasks that are days long. 

    Also, it seems Smartsheet does properly track dependencies in minutes, but I cannot determine a way to list the start/end TIMES on tasks other than manually entering this data. (See screen shot, I manually put in the time data, but Smartsheet knows from dependencies when to update the day when a task goes past midnight [this project has a 24 hour work day])

    Would be nice to be able to show that as it seems to be available "under the covers" of Smartsheet.


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