Is there a method to determine which automation generated email?

I am receiving automation email, however I can't determine which automation created the email. I need to make corrections to the email. Is there a method or a clue within the email to determine which automation created the email?


  • Ella
    Ella ✭✭✭✭

    @Dale Heincelman usually at the bottom of the notification you should have workflow ID number and also sheet it has been generated from.

  • Dale Heincelman
    Dale Heincelman ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 11/03/23

    I see that on email that has sheet data, however I should be more specific the automation contains an attachment of a report and that does not appear. See end of email below. The person who says they sent this can't determine which automation it is. It was not done manually, and I have looked at the report and the sheet that is the source of the report and it's automation without luck finding the automation.

  • Dale Heincelman
    Dale Heincelman ✭✭✭✭✭

    A colleague solved this. This was a recurring report "File, Send as an attachment" that I did not know was being used. Thank you for your help.