Smartsheet Pivot is no longer replacing all the information on the target sheet

I created a Smartsheet Pivot that was working as expected for a couple months, and suddenly this week it stopped replacing all the information on the target grid like it used to (and needs to for my purposes). This pivot is meant to generate a fresh dataset in the target grid at an hourly cadence, that is then filtered through a report view and ultimately used to populate a graph on this hourly basis. This week it stopped generating a fresh dataset in the target sheet and seems to be adding the newly generated pivot dataset to the previous pivot dataset, creating quite the mess. I verified that the Pivot data is correct, but for whatever reason it doesn't completely replace the target sheet data. Any idea why this might be happening?


Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Tobiah

    If you're seeing a change in behaviour but you haven't updated or made any changes to the workflow, I would suggest contacting Support directly so they can troubleshoot this with you in a private channel.

    They'll likely need quite a bit more information, such as a full screen recording or screen captures of the following:

    • Source and destination sheets (and their URLs)
    • Workflow configuration
    • Activity Log information, showing what rows have been updated




  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Tobiah

    If you're seeing a change in behaviour but you haven't updated or made any changes to the workflow, I would suggest contacting Support directly so they can troubleshoot this with you in a private channel.

    They'll likely need quite a bit more information, such as a full screen recording or screen captures of the following:

    • Source and destination sheets (and their URLs)
    • Workflow configuration
    • Activity Log information, showing what rows have been updated



  • Tobiah
    Tobiah ✭✭

    Thanks for the reply, Genevieve! This issue seemed to have spontaneously resolved, but then it started occurring again this past week so I submitted a ticket. I'll provide an update on the solution/issue, if one is identified, in case any others in the community run into something similar. Thank you!