Resource Management Integration with Smartsheet Schedules

Madeline ✭✭✭
edited 11/16/23 in Resource Management


I have a lot of experience using Smartsheet to manage project schedules, and have separately used Resource Management by Smartsheet to manage resource loading/allocations in previous roles.

However, I have only ever used the packages separately, never together. My current workplace is considering upgrading to Resource Management and I have the trial, but I'm struggling as the trial seems to be totally separate to Smartsheet.

What I really want to see is how the Smartsheet sheets and tasks translate into Resource Management projects and views. e.g what happens in RM when I make a change to a task in SS and vice versa.

I can't find any detailed information or youtube tutorials on this. Can anyone help?




  • meb_0101
    meb_0101 ✭✭✭

    Our company recently bought RM and, I'll be honest, I do not think it is as user friendly as Smartsheet. I've used Smartsheet every day for over a year and feel very comfortable with it. I thought RM would be easy to integrate. It seems like it is if your projects are simple.

    While it is easy to link a sheet to RM, my current pain point is you can only have 1 allocation % column linked. It's proving difficult to have varying allocation % within the timeline of a single project. I think if they could improve how RM links to Smartsheet it would be a lot better. I do love the schedule view once you have it set up.

    Our projects usually have at least 2 people assigned (up to 4), so the linked sheet has to have a separate row for each project and person (RM doesn't recognize multiple contacts in an assigned to cell). It's also seeming like additional rows may be necessary for the same project & person for the months/days/weeks that the allocation % varies. For our projects, the allocation % almost always varies throughout the life of a project.

    I am still new to RM so I may have yet to find some answers for my above projects, but that's just my experience thus far.