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Changes to asset Admin permissions and new Plan Asset Admin role, now generally available!



  • Hi, How will we know when this has been enabled in our account? A specific date as to when it will be enabled would be nice to have.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I asked a group of Licensed and Non-licensed users on my teams to review the below user access alerts at Admin permission levels with me.

    We tested both user types as Admins on Workspace, Assets and User shared Group levels and then sharing in all 2-3 areas at the same time. Only the Owner of the asset received the alert to approve access. We could only conclude this has been rolled back since last week. Can a Community Representative confirm this?

    Thank you for your help with this,


    Michael Halvey

    "Strive for Progress, not Perfection."

  • Community Champion

    Hi @MHalvey

    I hope you're well and safe!

    Yes, it was, but might be released today.

    Update on 2/15/24: The first phase of the asset ownership changes is currently in EAP. However, we previously communicated to SysAdmins that it would become generally available to all customers on February 14, 2024. This is to let you know that due to EAP feedback, we've decided to make some further improvements to this process and are now aiming for a general availability date anytime on or after March 5, 2024.

    I hope that helps!

    Be safe, and have a fantastic week!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    Did my post(s) help or answer your question or solve your problem? Please support the Community by marking it Insightful/Vote Up, Awesome, or/and as the accepted answer. It will make it easier for others to find a solution or help to answer!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Andrée Starå / @QuanT : Hi Andrée, you stated that "It might be released today", but what does that entail? What features are being rolled out that all of us with many unanswered questions/concerns are still asking about? We as System Admins have to make sure our assets are ready to deal / handle this release and we are still left in the dark with what you are going to roll out soon. Please help us by providing these details so we can prepare for this (or at least inform those who need to manage this).

    Thank you

    Julie Becker ☠️

    Construction Project Engineer / Coordinator & Software Program Oversight Mgr. 😉

    Successful People Are Not Gifted; They Just Work Hard, Then Succeed On Purpose‼️

  • ✭✭✭

    Hello Smartsheet Community Team / @Lekshmi Unnithan, Any chance you can provide an update to confirm when this release will become generally available?

    Dan Morales | Product Manager @ SoftwareX - Smartsheet Aligned Platinum Partner

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    I'm looking forward to this, as the archiving workspaces that that Smartsheet built our archiving automation to connect to on our behalf at product launch are not owned by or shared to anyone in our organization. We have no way to get access to get to the archive workspace not made by any of our users.

    Can we find out when this feature will be launching if it is not today?

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/06/24

    From Smartsheet:

    Phase 1 of asset ownership changes is now live for all Smartsheet Users

    (I can't get to our Admin Center due to "feature updates" to see any changes.)

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    My Two Cents

    1. Why when we asked in the this forum on this topic no one provide the updated features/changes (from EAP results) that were going to be released with this phase provided along with the updated release date?
    2. Admin Center has crashed on me 6 times already forcing me to remove everyones licenses just to eliminate the admin permissions they would automatically get..
    3. I have spent 3 hours deactivating everyones access and permissions till someone provides clarity. Two people received sheet access requests and they were the original admins to the sheets and both granted admin rights to those new requests (NOT ALLOWED IN OUR COMPANY🤬). So no one gets admin rights now for time being.🚫

    This is already a mess and now crashing, so this release is already causing issues that i was not expecting to have to deal with today so if someone on the Smartsheets Team (@QuanT @Andrée Starå @Lekshmi Unnithan )can please provide clarity and what was released ASAP‼️

    Also, what and when is Phase 2?

    Julie Becker ☠️

    Construction Project Engineer / Coordinator & Software Program Oversight Mgr. 😉

    Successful People Are Not Gifted; They Just Work Hard, Then Succeed On Purpose‼️

  • Community Champion

    @QuanT please contact me. I am receiving access permission requests on a workspace owned by a client for assets I have had nothing to do with.

    The client owns the workspace, why am I getting the permission requests??

    The only thing I can think of is that a few years ago I might have created the workspace for the client and popped a few sheets in it. Then I would have transferred ownership of the entire workspace to her.

    I have logged a call with Smartsheet support on this (Case #06887107), as if my assumption here is correct and I've been send access requests for items within this clients workspace from users on their plan not mine, then I and any other consultant that has created items then transferred them to their clients are going to be inundated with Access Requests (which we cannot possibly process as the data is not ours to grant permission to or not!)

    Please tell me I am wrong and that there is another reason why I have received Access Requests on a workspace that I am shared to as an Admin.

    I would like this looked into so please reach out to me to arrange a time for me to screen share and show you my concerns.

  • ✭✭✭

    Still waiting to hear when this new Plan Asset Admin role will be available.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Strange. When I looked yesterday the Plan Asset Admin option was available in User Management but now today it is not.

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    @Lori Ryan @Michael Chohrach from what I understand they rolled it back due to issues

    Update as of 11:45am PT on 3/6/24: Due to reports of Admin Center failing to load and some areas of Smartsheet not working as expected, we have decided to temporarily roll back phase 1 of asset ownership changes. We will provide an update as soon as we can.


    Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

    National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare

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    @Marlana K. where was this posted? I guess I'm not "subscribed" to that area.

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    @Michael Chohrach

    Scroll down under this post and you will see a SS employee post


    Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

    National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare

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    @Marlana K. Thanks. Looks like this was a separate announcement on the main EAP Group page. I wonder why I didn't receive any notification of it. I thought I had all notifications turned on in the group.

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