Hey, I am new here! reaching out for some help!

I've configured Smartsheet to trigger an email notification upon form submission. Subsequently, the email forwards the request to Zendesk, resulting in Zendesk creating a ticket with the Smartsheet owner as the requester. How can I ensure that tickets are generated in Zendesk using the actual user who filled and submitted the form?

Many thanks in advance!


  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ZenJ, configure your alert to "Send from triggering user". The alert will be sent with the user's email address. However, this will require users to sign into Smartsheet in order to complete the form.

    If signing into Smartsheet is not a workable approach, then you can include the user's email address in the subject with a placeholder {{ }}, and create a process in the target system to parse for it. For example, New Request - {{Requester_Email_Address}} . You can parse the body for the requester's email address, too, if it's there.

  • ZenJ
    ZenJ ✭✭

    Hello @Toufong Vang Thank you for the suggestion! I appreciate your input. Could you provide more details on the process of creating a target? Is it something we set up within Zendesk?

  • ZenJ
    ZenJ ✭✭

     I attempted to use placeholders, but it seems they are not working.

  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭

    Could you provide more details on the process of creating a target? Is it something we set up within Zendesk?

    Hi, @ZenJ , I am not familiar with Zendesk. I assumed you have a process in Zendesk that is configured to create tickets with the forwarded emails from Smartsheet.

    Smartsheet placeholders allow you to insert the value from that column into your alert message. In order to use a placeholder like {{Requester_Email_Address}} your sheet needs to have a column with the label, "Requester_Email_Address". I suggested using placeholders because, in my experience, parsing a Smartsheet email for data takes fewer steps when I know the data's exact location.

    If you require users to sign into Smartsheet to complete the request, their email addresses are captured in the column type of "Created by".

    Tips for using placeholders:


  • ZenJ
    ZenJ ✭✭

    @Toufong Vang thank you for all your help on this! Unfortunately, Zendesk does not allow updating the ticket requester based on a placeholder found in the subject or description field. I must explore alternative solutions given this limitation in Zendesk. Thanks again!

  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭

    @ZenJ Zapier is a third-party solution that will connect your Smartsheet with Zendesk. It is often cited by Smartsheet community members.
