Smartsheet-Jira connector - Jira Story Points syncing to Smartsheet as text

Our company has been using the Smartsheet-Jira connector for over a year now. Today I discovered that Story Points are now (suddenly?) coming into Smartsheet as text (numbers appear as '2.0 in the cell, for example). This is affecting the story point metrics I have put together.

Has anyone else come accross this? I'm not sure if something changed in the connector or if it is on the Jira side.


  • Hey there - Our company has also been using the Smartsheet-Jira connector for a long time. We have had this in production for over 5 years now, and all of our company metrics are dependent on it.

    We discovered the same exact issue this morning (1/10/2024). Suddenly, our custom field called "Contract Amount" is showing up in Smartsheet as text. For example, $2,345.00 shows up as '2345.00. This causes all of the calculations to fail.

    Please help!!