Dynamic view by Unique ID

I am handling events in Smartsheet and need to include multiple invitees and speakers. However, I am facing difficulty in displaying the invitees and speakers based on the event ID.

Is there a way to achieve this in dynamic view?



  • Julie Fortney
    Julie Fortney Overachievers

    Are you saying you would like the Dynamic View to be filterable by the event ID?

    If that's not your question, please provide additional details for your request. A screenshot of your event sheet (with sensitive data blocked) with a description of what you want your users to see would be helpful.

  • Joseph Aloysias
    Joseph Aloysias ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Julie Fortney thank you for responding to my query.

    I'm using three sheets for this use case - 1. Event details, 2. Speaker details(because of multiple line items), Invitees ( multiple line items)

    1. Event details - All event information about the event like event topic,date venue etc.

    2. Panellist details(because of multiple line items) - multiple panellist for an event and their info and payment info's

    Invitees ( multiple line items) - Multiple invitees for example 20-30 invitees for an event.

    I'm creating dynamic for the Initiator from Event details to show all the events created by the user. also I want to show the panellist and Invitees for that particular event. but due to multiple row items i'm not able to create the dynamic view for panellists and Invitees

    Is there a workaround to show all this details?

  • Julie Fortney
    Julie Fortney Overachievers
    edited 02/01/24

    I see. You could create a dashboard with three Dynamic Views, one for each of the sheets.

    You could filter the dashboard a couple of different ways:

    1. You could create one dashboard per event. You would create sheet filters on all 3 source sheets for the Event ID, then select it in the Restrict view by sheet filter setting when creating the Dynamic Views.
    2. You could create one dashboard for all initiators. You could set the Restrict view by current user filter in the Dynamic Views. This would display all of an initiator's events when they visit the dashboard, but they could apply filters on each for the Event ID they want to review.

    If your initiators have view access to the 3 source sheets, you could create a report pulling all 3 together and group it by Event ID so they could view all rows associated with that event in one group.