Is it not possible to apply conditional logic to New Entry submissions in Dynamic View?

gwenjo ✭✭✭
edited 01/31/24 in Add Ons and Integrations

In Dynamic View, it is possible to set which fields are visible or editable in the Details pane using conditional logic. This functionality is working as expected when a user clicks on an existing row of the sheet, however conditional logic seems to be ignored when customizing which fields are visible/editable for users creating a 'New Entry'.


My details pane is setup to show a specific set of fields when editing an existing entry. I've created a 'dropdown' column that identifies whether or not a row is blank, then set a conditional rule based around it to show a whole different set of fields when the user creates a new row (ie, the row is blank). When testing this out in DV, the fields showing in the Details Pane are the same whether editing an existing row or creating a new one.


Best Answer

  • Kelly Pratt
    Kelly Pratt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi there!

    In my experience you have to set up conditional formatting opposite from how a typical form works. You have to set it up to HIDE the fields you don't want them to see based on a specific selection, vs showing fields you'd like them to see.

    Hope this helps!

    Kelly Pratt

    Solution Consultant

    Echo Consulting


  • Kelly Pratt
    Kelly Pratt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi there!

    In my experience you have to set up conditional formatting opposite from how a typical form works. You have to set it up to HIDE the fields you don't want them to see based on a specific selection, vs showing fields you'd like them to see.

    Hope this helps!

    Kelly Pratt

    Solution Consultant

    Echo Consulting

  • gwenjo
    gwenjo ✭✭✭

    Thank you Kelly! I wasn't able to find a clear pattern as some fields needed to be hidden by default (then shown conditionally) and others shown by default (then hidden conditionally). Your feedback encouraged me to keep trying different combinations through trial and error.. this feels like a bug, but I eventually reached the desired outcome.