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February Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • I wanted to be a coroner or a medical examiner when I was a kid but didn't want that much schooling. I settled on Anthropology/Archaeology as a major but before I even graduated with my BS I had already turned to the dark side....IT...I was on a project to digitize historic sites and structures, so I taught myself GIS and within a few years I was managing the GIS program for manatee tracking in Florida. I switched to the human side of tech implementations, eventually and focused on strategic design, change management, and business analysis for about 8 years. Four years ago I started working for a cannabis company and now I wrangle new things and put out fires for operations! I get the best of both worlds now and divide my time between floor operations and improving our digital workspace.

    Kid: doctor for the dead

    Now: legal pot dealer, via a 20 year IT career

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    Started college as a music major with intent to become a conductor. Realized I wanted to keep music as a passion and not my profession. Becoming a Project Manager was a much better career choice for me.

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    When I was a kid, I wanted to be a professional fisherman. Roland Martin was my idol. As I grew older, I only wanted to join the Air Force and do something in Technology. The Air Force and Technology dream came true. I still fish, but it's just a hobby. I never imagined one could make upwards of $250k for winning a fishing tournament, I might have taken it more seriously.🤑

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    I admired secret agents and the cool tools they had. I also thought it was cool to watch those techies in white coats working on computers and thought I wanted to be that techie who was also a secret agent. What do I do now? I am in IT Solutions Delivery and we provide solutions for the company. Our team consists of two business analysts, two developers, and one Power Platform Designer. I also work with the organization on UX/UI design. I still love watching spy movies and love SiFi movies.

  • When I was a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist or ballerina. Today, I am a Stewardship Specialist where I get to focus on my passions surrounding projects supporting biodiversity, pollinators, and conservation in agriculture. Less water related, but still true to my love of science and plants.

  • As a child, I didn't really aspire to be in any specific role when I grew up. I just wanted to help people. When I got into high school, I determined that I wanted to be a music teacher and/or band director. I went to school for Music Education but ended up working for a local payroll processing company, which kickstarted my career in the payroll software industry. I'm now a Project Manager & HRIS Analyst.

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    When I was a kid I wanted to be a business man. Very general, but I did not care. I wanted to make money and get things done.

    I thought wearing a nice suit and getting things done was everything.

    Today, I am a Design Systems Program Manager. I focus on my organization’s people, processes, and technology workflow.

    Here to learn, willing to help!

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    A Real American Hero! GI JOOOOOOEEE!

    Here to learn, willing to help!

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    When I was a kid, the first thing I wanted to be was a veterinarian. Then I found out that you have to put some of the animals down, that changed my mind. So then I never really new what I wanted to do until I got into high school and was in a computer programing class. I loved it. But my councilor at school told me I was not smart enough. Haha, look at me now!

  • Employee

    Look at you now! You're awesome, Janelle 😎

  • I love this question! When I was a kid, I wanted to either be a famous pop star or a rocket scientist. I rotated between the two quite regularly. My family thought I was destined to become an actress (because of how dramatic I was) or a lawyer (because I could argue my way out of anything). When it was time for college, I rotated between several majors before ending up with two bachelor degrees - one in English Literature and one in Linguistics, with minors in Italian and Sociology. At one point or another I declared the following majors: vocal performance, undeclared science (I wanted to work in astrophysics, which I still love but am sadly not quite smart enough to do for a job), journalism, interior design, Italian. No matter which major I chose, I always swore up and down I would never go into Operations management like my mom but guess where I ended up? I'm now an Operations Director and it turns out I really enjoy it. I started out my career after college working at the front desk of a medical clinic and over time started suggesting operational improvements and kind of ended up in the role without realizing it. I then went to business school and made it official.

    It is so interesting reading everyone's stories! Some people have a very clear idea of exactly what they want when they're young; others are like me and take many years to find their niche. Thanks for sharing!

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    When I was a kid, I wanted to be a lawyer or a singer. I made it to show choir until high school but I'm glad I never took the path as a lawyer as I can't Imagine being in school for ages! I'm now a project manager for a healthcare system and enjoy staying busy while managing operational improvements and construction transitions.

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    I always wanted to be a soldier. So I joined the Army and became one. After that I had No Idea what I wanted to be until I found Smartsheet and now Smartsheet is my life lol!

    Ken Armstrong

    Smartsheet Project Manager, GE Aerospace

    Certified Smartsheet Administrator

    Be Firm! Be Fair! Be Friendly! Be Honest!!!

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    When I was a child, I used to play with my Barbies and dream of becoming a successful career woman, inspired by my mother's stories and photos of her glamorous lifestyle. Thanks to her and the women who fought for women's rights in the 60s and 70s, I was able to pursue my dream and work for amazing companies.

    Today, I work for an incredible start-up where I help facilitate collaboration between people and processes. It brings me joy to create solutions that align people, work, and technology, and I often use Smartsheet as one of my key tools.

    CCMP, Strategy Consultant @ SoftwareX | Rumcastle Consulting

    Check out our Smartsheet Products | YouTube Channel | LinkedIn

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    When I was a kid, I wanted to be a professional musician. Then, as I got older, I discovered technology and web-enabled tools. I love helping people, which is why I also love being a Project Manager. We help people achieve their dreams! How cool is that?

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