Automation to Resend Form

SLKennedy ✭✭
edited 02/01/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I have a sheet that requires a stakeholder to complete a form when their name is added to a Reviewer column and a checkbox for "Reviewer Assigned" is checked.

I need a way to automate the resending of that form. Either a trigger via a new Resend check box to resend the form (but the automation would need to be viable to check+send multiple times), or a trigger based on blank columns tied to the form after tbd amount of days (i.e. if blank after 4 business days, resend form; if blank after 8 consecutive business days, resend form).

Can anyone help with this?

Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    That part sounds exactly like it will work. My concern was with the step before this. How the original check box is originally checked. If that is a formula, then unchecking via the automation will remove the formula. If the initial check is manual, then all should be good.


  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    A trigger via a new Resend check box to resend the form (but the automation would need to be viable to check+send multiple times)

    Would this automation work for you?

    When the row is changed and the resend checkbox is checked

    Send to the contact in the row and then change the value of the resend checkbox back to unchecked so it can be used again.

  • SLKennedy

    Hello! Yes, this sounds like it would work, but I'm newer to Smartsheet and want to make sure I'm understanding.

    To start, would I need to create a new column titled "Resend" (or something along those lines) or would this automation be added to an existing column's workflow?

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @SLKennedy

    I was refereeing to the column you mentioned as an option:

    I need a way to automate the resending of that form. Either a trigger via a new Resend check box to resend the form (but the automation would need to be viable to check+send multiple times)

    The automation starts when the checkbox in the resend column. or whatever you call it, is checked. That checkbox can be checked manually, or you can add a workflow to check it based on days since something happened. Probably best to get it working manually first, and then enhance. The automation then unchecks this box so it can be re-used, either by manually checking it, or by your other workflow.

    Does that make sense?

  • SLKennedy

    Yes, thanks! To that point, could I simply reuse the initial check box? We already have one to send the initial form. And that automation is working. So can I just uncheck it and then recheck it to trigger a resending of the associated form?

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, you can. Just be aware that if the original checkbox is populated by a formula that formula will be overwritten when it is unchecked via the automation. You automation will replace whatever is in the cell with 0.

  • SLKennedy

    Oh, I don't plan on overwriting the original check box with a formula. I simply want to try to uncheck, save the sheet, and then recheck the box. I'm hoping that will trigger the original automation without changing anything. So hoping the associated email will send (in actuality, resend) as if this were the first time I had checked the box.

    Does that make sense and sound like it may work?

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    That part sounds exactly like it will work. My concern was with the step before this. How the original check box is originally checked. If that is a formula, then unchecking via the automation will remove the formula. If the initial check is manual, then all should be good.

  • SLKennedy

    Ahhh, yes the initial check is manual! So I believe I'll be good moving forward on this item. Thank you so much!

    One last question, I have limited Smartsheet experience and recently joined a team with a set of robust smartsheet workspaces and I've been named an Owner of a workspace. What's your advice for the best way to get up to speed? Best Smartsheet courses? The general ones on youtube haven't been much help to me.

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Wonderful. I think you are good to go.

    As for learning, I took a try it and see approach - assume something is possible and figure out how to do it.

    These videos are a nice place to start - to give you a broad understanding of how it all works and gives you an idea of what is possible.

    Reading the discussions on the community can be very enlightening. Following other people's ways of working and thought process can be really informative, even if the thing they are trying to achieve is not related to what you are doing, you will pick up lots of tips that will never be formally documented.

  • SLKennedy

    Thanks so much for your engagement! Beefing up on my Smartsheet knowledge is definitely a goal of mine moving forward. I'll be sure to go through those videos and will continue to engage here with the community.

    Thanks again!

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Happy I could help. Good luck with your learning. I look forward to seeing you answering questions before long.