Is there a way to see who an automated notification was sent to?

I have a workflow set up that is based on using the symbols column. We have a ton of potential volunteers that have filled out a volunteer form and those that are marked as a 4 star or 5 star are then sent an automated email based on the email they entered in a contact column. The automated email instructs them on next steps for the volunteer process.

The issue I have run into is that several people that were not marked with 4 or 5 stars have entered data in the next steps process. When I test on my end, the automation seems to work as intended so I'm not sure how these people received the instructions to move on to phase 2. Is there a way in Smartsheet to see which email addresses the notification was sent to in order to compare the setup of how the automation is intended with how it is performing?



  • MichaelTCA
    MichaelTCA Community Champion

    Hello @MDexter

    What do they do after getting instructions?

    Is it only a notification or is it also an update request?

  • MDexter
    MDexter ✭✭✭

    They receive an email notification with a link to submit next steps. We have had multiple people submit next steps through that link that should not have received it. It is not an update request. Thanks!

  • MichaelTCA
    MichaelTCA Community Champion
    edited 02/27/24


    Does the link direct you back to the same sheet that sends the notification?

    I ask because the automation may be indirectly triggered by just having data add/change in the sheet, no matter who is doing it.

    If not, I suggest using the 4 stars or 5 stars as a condition to send the automation and a record date afterwards in a date column to show when it was sent. You could even use the date as a condition so that it thinks a notification is already sent and won't send duplicates.