As admins, we are unable to bulk upload profile date such as title, location, company, phone #, etc. Today I learned it is not available through the Bridge API. This means we are reliant on individual users to update their own profiles. This also means we cannot lock profiles down to legal names; users can change their name to represent a group, or apply inappropriate nicknames. We are not a public company, but I can imagine this a concern if a Smartsheet customer were to go through an audit and the activity log or cell history showed something generic or inappropriate instead of the true user's legal name.
To be fair, this is an echo of this post:
I know I can bulk load contacts into Smartsheets for my account. But is there a way to upload full profiles? If so, what's the CSV format and where do I do this?
Or - Asked a different way - If I include all of the contact info in the CSV file, will it import all of the data? Or only the "First Last Name" & "Email Address"?