Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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How do you create a formula that calculates weeks out in certain cells based off one cells date?

Hello! I've tried to add a formula to convert an existing column into one with a formula and none are working.

I have a target end date and i want existing cells in a "task section" to calculate the weeks out based off that date


  • Community Champion

    Hi @nelly,

    Do you have some screenshots of the columns to assist in demonstrating a formula that would work for you?

    If not you could have a formula that deducts the current date from the end date which would give you a value in days and then divide the result by 7. Then you can utilise the round function to either round up or down as you require.

    Example to round up to the next full week

    =ROUND((([End Date]@row - TODAY()) / 7) + 0.5, 0)

    Example to round down to the next full week

    =ROUND((([End Date]@row - TODAY()) / 7) - 0.5, 0)

    Hope this helps!


  • ✭✭

    Can i share the sheet with you?

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