Emails to blocked, any others?

Posting this primarily so people assessing smartsheet may hopefully find it and factor it in when considering if they wish to purchase.

I have been having a lot of trouble getting external parties to be able to interact with our dynamic views and work apps as they need to be able to sign up. There are significant hurdles in China for using smartsheet which are not well documented. is NOT blocked in China i have personally used it in many locations many times and have a large supply base using it in China.

The captcha tool that smartsheet elects to use Re-captcha is blocked in a lot of places in China, i have raised it with SmartSheet and they point blank refuse to do anything to assist. The work around they suggested which we begrudgingly do is setup the user in our company, get them to send us the sign up email, register for them, provide them with the username & password, then remove the account from our company.

I have today finally received another setback in that they point blank refuse to help with addresses and the entire domain is blocked. This is an extract from the support service.

For user <HIDDEN EMAIL ADDRESS> there was never an invitation email being sent. This is due to an internal block by Smartsheet for domain Due to high reports of abuse from the domain, we are blocked from sending automated emails to email addresses on the domain. Checking with internal departments, this block can't be lifted.

Any other domains blocked that people are aware of?

In my opinion anyone considering smartsheet as a tool to interact with suppliers in China should seriously dig into some of the limitations as I am not satisfied with the support i have received as an enterprise customer in working with these external parties, the primary reason we pay the significant yearly enterprise license.


  • SWAus
    SWAus ✭✭✭ is also blocked.

    I had to find this out after readily going back to Smartsheet customer support only to finally get them to answer the question.

    It would be great if smart sheet could provide a list of known blocked domains so its enterprise customers (or new potential customers) could make informed decisions about the platform.

  • SWAus
    SWAus ✭✭✭

    please see response from support when asking for a list of blacklisted domains so that I can try and work with external parties. They are requesting I literally send them a list of domains and they respond with what they will/won't send to.

    Thanks for getting back to us. We understand that you'd like to have the list of the domains that have been blacklisted by Smartsheet. We appreciate your patience. I'll be glad to advise!

     Upon thorough investigation, I've consulted our Senior Smartsheet Support, as much as we would love to provide the list that you are requesting, however for security and privacy purposes and due to high reports of spam or abuse from the domain, we will not be able to provide the list. We would love to verify if the domains you are having issues with, on a case-to-case basis.

     Thanks for using Smartsheet! If there are no additional questions on this topic or your issue has been resolved, there is no need to reply to this email.

  • SWAus
    SWAus ✭✭✭

    Updating is also blocked.

    I have been trying to get this resolved for months and so far have not been able to get a list of email domains that smartsheet blocks. I have also not been given any work around for external parties having issues signing up with smartsheet beyond my company providing them an email address or similar which is incredibly bad security/fraud advice.

    Constantly being told 'it has been escalated' and 'waiting for work arounds' .

    In my opinion anyone considering using smartsheet as a service to work with partners located in China, and for that matter any country where gmail or similar isn't the dominant email provider, don't. I am unhappy with the support I have received despite escalating to level 2 support, my customer service manager, and my account manager.