Introduce a seting that prevents dates on a graph from overlapping and becoming unreadable. It would allow the dates to scale to weeks or months depending on how long the time scale is.
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
We need the API updated allow for us to manage the new user subscription model. Specifically, we need the new user types returned from your users endpoint (Member, Provisional Member, Viewer, Guest) along with the supported event counts over a period of time that one of our users took an action that qualified them for that…
We are now using a new capability in our company called the looker studio to chart some dashboards and it has proved to be excellent. It's just that we don't have a way of incorporating looker into Smartsheet, if that could be done we could have a two way route between the two tools and derive maximum output from our work.
I have an existing workflow that notifies a supervisor that a part request has been entered. The supervisor needs to approve the request. If approved, I'd like the supervisor to answer two additional questions (without) having to go into Smartsheet. Ideally they would be able to: Approved: Yes/No Is this related to a…