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April Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • Community Champion

    If this was ANYTHING, I would build the real DeLorean Time Machine from Back to the Future! Not only because it's amazing, but think about all the things you could do with a Time machine!!!!

    Realistically, Create something that generates true passive income so I can spend all my time developing/creating things I like and have the freedom to fail 1000 times and not worry about supporting my family and paying bills. The freedom to have unlimited funds to explore the unknown is the dream!

    Joe Goetschel | Associate Director, Smartsheet

    CrossCountry Consulting - Smartsheet Platinum Partner

    Email me!

    "The only real limitation of Smartsheet is the level of effort required to achieve your goal."

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    If I could not fail, how unexciting would that be? Other than the aforementioned plusses to society to cure hunger, cancer, health issues, and poverty, I need my personal failures to strengthen me and help me grow. I guarantee that my passions and successes are rooted from my previous failures. As Thomas Edison proved, you can fail 1,000 times but if you succeed it will have been worth it. Go forward and FAIL, my friends! Then rise to succeed!

  • Overachievers

    I would either sing on Broadway (Nashville AND NY) OR sing on a cruise ship.

    Darla Brown

    What you meditate on, you empower!

    Overachiever - Core Product Certified - Mobilizer - EAP

  • ✭✭

    I would definitely have to try playing an instrument. There is something always relaxing and peaceful watching someone play an instrument and it is a long hard process to learn. If I have a free don't fail pass I would love to learn this new skill and enjoy for a lifetime :)

  • Overachievers Alumni

    Climb Mount Everest. It's always been a fascination - just not enough to get in shape for it 😀

  • There are a couple of things I would do. The first one, I would learn and master the art of roasting coffee and then open a coffee house (preferably in an historic home). The other one is a bit more adventurous. As I am not a fan of heights, if I could not fail, I would love to sky dive.

    Hope everyone has a great week!!

  • I am an altruist and a dreamer, but I would travel the world and adopt families all over the world and extend part of my lifestyle, which consists of 3 things, if it helps.

    1. Strengthen the spiritual part according to your own beliefs.

    2. Helping others and being grateful for what you have received. 

    3. The personal favor 😋 I always ask is that they help me with their beliefs so that I have wisdom in my decision making.

    So in summary, what I would do is travel the world, grow my family and try to get better as a family every day.

  • That's a thought-provoking question. If I were to approach this philosophically, I'd say that the concept of trying without the fear of failure encourages a mindset of growth and innovation. It's about embracing the potential for learning and improvement in every attempt, regardless of the outcome. It's about taking calculated risks and learning from each experience to continually evolve and excel. Every attempt is a step towards mastery, and without the risk of failure, the reward of success could be even greater.

  • ✭✭

    I'd love to run my own publishing company on par with Random House.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I've already tried skydiving and LOVE it! #AdrenalineJunkie. I would have to say I would love to either go rock climbing or base jumping.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I think I would like to be a motivator public speaker. I am very shy and has caused me lots of pain in my career, so being in public speaking arena will make me feel more confident about myself. Also, I will help others with their issues.

  • What would you try if you knew you couldn't fail?

    definitely buy a lottery ticket hahaha! thats for sure!

    but hey You can’t fail. You can literally do anything you WANT.

    Well, here’s what would do:

    • Become immortal (though I can die when immortality becomes lonely).
    • Finish and publish my book, which would become an instant bestseller.

  • I would create something that provides limitless energy and make it free for everyone. That is the key to improve all lives by: improving health, create access to knowledge & diminish poverty.

  • I would open a nonprofit startup training people on office software so they can improve their lives.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    At lunch today we were watching Oak Island. Part of the team were investigatin some areas of significance in Europe. The videos of some of the sites were incredible. This is what led to my answer for April.

    I would love to have unlimited funds travel all over the globe looking at historical sites and artchitecture.

    Highlights froma a few trips

    Dublin, Ireland: St. Patricks Catherdral, and the Trinity Librarty. To this day I can still recall the wonderful smell of old books. Also, got to see a page from the Book of Kells. Illuminated texts are a true art.

    London, England: St. Pauls Church, even made it up to the top, narrow stairs are not my thing.


    If you found this comment helpful. Please respond with any of the buttons below. Awesome🖤, Insightful💡, Upvote⬆️, or accepted answer. Not only will this help others searching for the same answer, but help me as well. Thank you.

    Meg Young Certified in Core Product, Project Management, and System Administration

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