Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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Contacts - name and company as ID

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I am using Samrtsheet where I invite many participants to view or edit the sheets. Often I also have man y different users (contacts) that should be assigned to a task.

The problem occurs when I have contacts with the same name e.g. John Johnson.

It would be very beneficial to have a Company or another ID to deferenciate identical names. E.g. John Johnson - Company A and John Johnson - Company B

I have been forced to use a workaround - John Johnson (Comp. A) and John Johnson (Comp. B) but it looks rather unprofessional.






  • Employee
    edited 04/17/15

    Soren, a couple suggestions: Adding a middle name to the contact could help you differentiate the users. There isn’t a middle name field but you could add it to their first or last name. You could also add (company name) to their contact information, just add it after the last name. Also, when assigning a task to “John” when you start typing in their name, you should see both “Johns” with their email addresses. Use the email address to differentiate users. 

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