Linking new entries to previous entries - tracking attendance


I'm trying to create an easier/faster way to track attendance at the multi-week classes that our health educators teach. Currently, they have to enter in static information every time they complete our outreach tool (like, address, timing etc) and I am trying to make it so that they only have to enter that information one time and from then on, they get an weekly update request that only asks date, location, and attendance.

  • HE fills out form, has option between "New Class" and "On-going Class"
  • If they select "New", all questions would populate.
    • There would also be a question that asks, "One Time" or "Recurring"
  • If they select "On-going Class", only date, which class, and attendance populate.

I don't think I can do an update request automation with conditions because I don't know which combination of conditions to filter for.. Is there any way to then connect new entries to previous ones without creating some complicated id or something? Is there any way to send an update request with most of the details already filled out and have that be a new row?

A few points which might make it harder/impossible:

  • I can't create a new form, any changes need to be on the existing outreach tracker form I have
  • Supervisors would prefer to avoid having HEs use a grid and would like it to be on the form
  • The same class may be taught multiple times in a year at the same location


  • Courtney S.
    Courtney S. ✭✭✭✭

    My org would love something like this too - something where all the rows of a sheet get listed for the attendance taker, and the attendance taker's answers for the day fill in a new column on the sheet, without having to see the sheet. I am curious to see if anyone has a good way to do something like this in Smartsheet!

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