Group Report Dynamic view

Jon Barto
Jon Barto ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 05/29/24 in Add Ons and Integrations

Does anyone know how or if it is in the pipeline to have the ability to do a group report to dynamic view?

The group report feature is great, except we need to share it with vendors and need the ability to have them see the report grouped. We can't share the sheets with them.

We can't even prints a grouped report. This is really frustrating because there are requests or comments dating back to 2018 on this subject


  • Protonsponge
    Protonsponge ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I asked about this at Engage LDN, it was one of the things I was hoping to come back with a nice work around for… sadly now. I have actually resorted to making 15 dynamic views for one of my contributors and putting the links on a dashboard to make his life a small bit easier Vs. searching through a report for 100's rows.

    Its very clunky but it works for now.